This is MY last try to rally MILLIONS into doing something. In order for it to work will require vast numbers of emails being sent everywhere, as well as a simple letter you can print off cheaply enough and get into the hands of everyone you come into contact with.

I've been seeing complaint after complaint that we just haven't done enough to show this government that we mean business. I don't believe a nationwide march or protest is going to be something most people will want to leave their jobs to do. But what we can do is arrange a full WEEK, with ample time to get word out.

I'm calling for ZERO spending during the entire SECOND week of June. From Sunday to Sunday. Contact every news outlet you can to inform them you are taking part in this "Week Without Dollars" exercise, as well as your Congressmen/women

If you participate, don't buy anything at all for one week. Don't hoard in the weeks before either, as all that will do is create an excess one week but nothing another week - cancelling out the effort.

Only bare essentials should be purchased during this week - the least amount of grocery possible and the least amount of fuel possible, mainly to and from work ONLY.

No eating out for one full week. NO WAL-MART or TARGET for one full week. Nothing but a little food, water and a little fuel to get to and from work.

If we can get millions involved in doing this during the second week of June (Sunday to Sunday) we will make a mass statement that many corporate pocketbooks will never forget.

All one must do is resolve to participate, get friends and family to participate (and to spread the word) - and then write a short letter to media outlets letting them know it is in counter-demonstration over illegal immigration.

Short, easy and to the point.

Send this entire message as an email to as many as you can (those you know - don't spam). Forward this message to everyone on your email lists and in your contacts - knowing that millions will be participating right along with you.

This is a very sincere and urgent email message. If Congress passes the Immigration Reform bill that the Senate recently passed, this nation is headed for irreversible damage and possibly yet another terrorist attack which would make September 11, 2001 look like a Sunday School picnic.

Join in this effort with millions of others! Forward this message to as many as possible and then enjoy the savings of money you can put back during the second week of June, 2006.