Go to the link and click on Know Your Immigration Rights.

Idaho Dairymen's Association

Immigration Reform

The United Dairymen of Idaho Board of Directors has identified immigration reform that helps insure the continued health and viability of Idaho's dairy industry to be the top priority for staff and Board in the coming years. Through this direction, the Board has dedicated significant funds within its 2008 budget to be used in identifying and implementing a plan that will change the perception, elected officials and the public have, in reforming our national immigration policies. This is planned to be a state and regional effort with conjoined national efforts where needed.

Please help do your part by contacting our National Congressional Representatives and Senators. Below is a link with contact information for all the Idaho Congressional offices, both in Idaho and in Washington DC. Taking the time to make a phone call or sending an email to our national delegation helps to emphasize the need for immigration reform that ensures the continued health and viability of Idaho's dairy industry.

Also, below are informational brochures both in English and Spanish explaining the rights of US immigrants. Please read this document yourself and distribute copies to your employees. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our offices at 208-736-1953 and talk with Bob Naerebout at extension 102 or Rick Naerebout at extension 101.
Congressional Contact Information
Know Your Immigration Rights (English)
Know Your Immigration Rights (Spanish)
