What is California doing about illegal immigration?
November 24, 6:29 PM
LA African American Conservative Examiner Lisa Carter

Students raise Mexican flag during rally for illegal immigrants

Don't let the liberals tell you that illegal immigrants are here in California (and the rest of the United States) because they want to contribute to our society. It certainly didn't seem that way during illegal immigration rallies of Los Angeles in 2006, where thousands held up the Mexican flag while shouting racist slogans such as "Mecha" and "La Raza." Illegal immigration definitely isn't just a "Mexican" problem; there are many illegal immigrants who come from other places besides Mexico.

Stop saying that illegal immigrants are innocent and not doing any harm; what part of the word "illegal" don't you understand? The horrific effects of illegal immigration can mostly be seen in the schools, where teachers complain that many (but not all) children of illegal immigrants terrorize classrooms by being disrespectful to teachers, disrespectful to other students, and have parents who don't value education enough to interfere.

The nearly three million illegal immigrants who cost tax payers 9 billion dollars a year aren't going anywhere; a significant amount of them will continue stealing social security numbers, committing horrific crimes, and burdening our social services. Politicians want to stay away from the topic of illegal immigration because they are afraid to "lose" Hispanic voters.

Our government has put California at high risk in the name of political correctness. This isn't about immigration; it is about illegal immigration. Liberals don't want to differentiate between the two, but there is a huge difference.
