My Confrontation With An American Traitor
Immigration piece by Dave Gibson
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Recently, the Virginia Beach Democrats website ( held an online discussion with an open-borders lobbyist and legislative strategist named Claire Guthrie Gastanaga. She works on behalf of the race-based, pro-illegal immigration Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations. I took the opportunity to confront this woman who makes a living by betraying her own nation, and her response to my direct questioning was very telling.

Our exchange follows:

I wrote:
Why have you decided to betray your nation and work on behalf of those who invade our country, kill our police officers, hunt our children, drive intoxicated and without licenses on our roads? Why have you decided to work on behalf of those who have no respect for our laws (that goes for both invaders as well as the politicians and business owners who encourage their illegal entry)?
Before you give me some high-minded pat answer, please answer as if you were talking to the families of the thousands of victims of drunk driving, armed robbery, cop killings, and rapes at the hands of illegal aliens every year.â€