I simply CANNOT deal with those who support ILLEGAL immigration because they say there is a HIGHER LAW of LOVE and SERVICE to one's FELLOW man. They seem to think that OUR laws AGAINST ILLEGAL immigration are UNJUST laws and that WE are OBLIGATED to HELP EVERY TOM, DICK, and HARRY who ENDS UP in OUR country, EVEN the ILLEGALS! My mother told me that THIS is WHAT these folks ACTUALLY BELIEVE in. When I shared this with Mr. Loya, he agreed that my mother's observation was ACCURATE for a LOT of these people. I said that while some of them ARE WELL-meaning, they are SERIOUSLY MISGUIDED. Mr. Loya agreed that this IS true of SOME pro-illegals, but NOT ALL of them! I replied that WE should be taking care of our OWN citizens and legal residents FIRST and that FOREIGN rulers MUST be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for their OWN countries. Mr. Loya reiterated with the old saw, "charity begins AT HOME!"