I came in tonight to see how my buds were feeling about this speech.

I can see that no one bought any of it. He is still blackmailing us with a token gesture of 6,000 UN-armed Guards at the border in order to push thru his guestworker program and worse...a path to citizenship for those already here...

Such compassion...many of them have been here for years...have homes here, etc. Well, sorry, George, but they've broken more laws than most...no amnesty. Get OVER it.

I'm pretty sure that no one in the House bought this drivel either...now they'll wait to see how loud we howl....I'm spraying my throat right now cause I'm planning on howling loud and long...

O...and he wants a vote on this in two weeks?? Why the hurry Bush?? You want to get those Guard off the border before the invaders have time to hear about it and maybe 10 or 20 won't cross??

This is too serious an issue to vote on in two weeks...they haven't even done studies yet..

I liked Rep. Hayworth's approach...put it to the PEOPLE with a referendum vote...

That would end the BS of these skewed polls they keep reporting...

Good night...don't anyone have a stroke...