According to some recent TV news discussion panels (unfortunately I can't cite them due to my staying up too late to watch them and then getting a little rummy in the process!), the next president of Mexico will be a socialist. Vincente Fox is bad enough, but a SOCIALIST could be even worse. How many more hordes will illegally cross our borders when a socialist takes over that country?

I've also heard that building a fence would take 2 - 3 years, if it's built by the American government. 2 -3 years is much too long to wait. The Minutement have been working on building a fence on one part of the border, but they won't be able to build it along the entire border (that part of the border where a fence doesn't already exist).

The best solution to the border-crossing problem is a multi-pronged defense. The increased border patrol, the use of technology, and the building of a fence will help.

But the best defense is to somehow improve Mexico. A socialist president won't improve Mexico. Why are those people supporting a socialist? Is that what we can expect when Hispanics are the majority in this country?
That they will support a socialist candidate here?

The politicians seem to think that the Hispanics here today will be their supporters tomorrow if those Hispanics are given amnesty and ultimately citizenship. BULL!! I suspect the vast majority will support socialists in the future. It seems the socialists are the ones currently spearheading the illegal protests that have been so widespread and large in the past couple of months in America.

What's next for Mexico? I'll answer my own question -- what's next for America!

Don't let this happen to US. We must stand firm and fight illegal immigration.