1 trillion = 1,000,000,000,000

1 trillion = 1 million million

1 trillion seconds = 31,546 years

1 trillion dollar bills placed end to end would reach 96.9 million miles, far enough to reach the Sun.

The average American home costs $306,258. With $1 trillion you could buy 3.27 million houses.

The average new car costs $28,400. $1 trillion would buy more than 35 million cars.

The 1,132 foot long cruise ship Queen Mary 2 cost $800 million to build. $1 trillion would build 1,250 ships.

The entire Federal budget is $2.8 trillion. A stack of that many dollar bills would circle the Earth more than 7 times.

Gross Federal debt is more than $8.7 trillion, which would make a stack of dollar bills that would reach from the Earth to the Moon and back with some to spare.

$8.7 trillion in one-dollar bills would cover an area larger than each U.S. state except for Alaska and Texas.