Although it seems eons ago, it has been just a couple of months since American streets were haunted by millions of illegal aliens foolishly demanding citizenship and the rights (free goodies and benefits) attendant thereto.

Besides proudly flying the Mexican flag, these third-world criminals aimed to show America they meant business by shouting "Sí se puede!"

Or, "Yes We Can" in the language used by real Americans.

Describing American public reaction to the marching banditos as “backlash” would be a monster understatement.

Oh, sure, the U.S. Senate voted to give several states to Mexico in exchange for the right to feed, house, educate, and provide medical care for 20 million of Mexico's least educated, and poorest, peasants.

But the nutcase senators who voted for Mexico would have done so even if Mexican troops had confiscated Capitol Hill and the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas. Tragically enough, our naive president would have acquiesced to Mexico as well.

After all, according to our alleged war- on- terror chief, Mexicans here illegally are "good-hearted, hard working folks." Bush sticks with that line as if it were an "Intelligent Design" absolute, irrespective of facts to the contrary concerning terrorism, the economy and American culture.

But despite all the anti-America blather and lunacy coming from the likes of Bush, John McCain, Bill Frist, Ted Kennedy and virtually all Democrats, the senate sell-out of America is dead.

It is not gonna happen--would not be prudent.

And aren't we blessed to have real American conservatives in the U.S. House?

In addition, 30 states have enacted, or are enacting, strict new laws to make illegal aliens as uncomfortable as possible. Like no drivers' licenses, no in-state tuition breaks, no welfare or food stamps. And on and on as America finally wakes up.

The idea is to motivate the criminals to deport themselves back to their beloved homeland--aka the cesspool commonly known as Mexico.

With the noose getting tighter and tighter every day, a pertinent new question needs to be posed to illegal aliens:

How does one say "No, You Can Not!" in Spanish?