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  1. #1
    lost's Avatar
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    Where are the american rallies and conferences?

    Im doing a research paper on immigration and im proposing that we should make the general public more aware of the invasion that has been set apon america and that we should enforce are current laws on immigration. Id like to know if anyone would have on information on how much it would cost to host rallies in a hand full of the major cites on the east coast.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Welcome, Lost!! I can't help you with your questions, but I'm sure someone here can. This is a great bunch of people.

  3. #3
    Senior Member tiredofapathy's Avatar
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    Welcome to the discussion Lost! If you don't get a reply that's helpful here, you might also try
    Their name says it all!

    I would suggest you also consider cost to participants in your paper. I think the biggest reason you don't see major numbers rallying around the flag in opposition is that Americans are working (many times several jobs) every day just to keep their heads above water and feed the family. It's very cost prohibitive for most working class families to lose a day's pay and absorb travel expenses to a major city to be counted among the patriots. You would also be amazed how many Americans are just plain ignorant (many by choice) of the entire issue and the very real dangers associated with it! I would suggest you take a sampling of people on the street and ask how they feel about illegal immigration. Make it quick and simple, and you will likely find a lot of, "It dosen't really matter to me or affect me" replies. If you do the poll, please come back here and give us your numbers, and by all means post your research results here for us to share! Good luck with the paper!

  4. #4
    lost's Avatar
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    heres the rough draft for my paper if anyone would like to comment pleae do....I am lacking some info on Efforts to stop illegal immigration though.


    Immigrants have always been great contributors to this country but with the recent start of the war on terrorism, immigrants and other minorities are being hit hard by the lack of security surrounding our borders. Since the birth of the New World many people have come to this continent in hopes for a better life. In the present this New World is what we know as the United States of America. Many Immigrants come to this country legally in an attempt to live the American Dream. Unfortunately, as the war continues immigrants have to endure racism, discrimination and threats from those who mistake them as illegal aliens or misunderstand some of the cultural differences between them. Immigrants and other minorities have to compete in the work force with illegal aliens who degrade the hard work of immigrants by crossing our borders illegally. Those who enter this country illegally and those who come here with the intent to spread fear through terrorism are destroying the so-called American Dream. Our country is at war and we should have secure borders along with safe and secure legalization processes for those who want to create better lives for their families. The Statue of liberty says, "Bring us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses" and the United States should act on the words of lady liberty.

    The Problem

    The immigration debates are one of the biggest controversies going on in the U.S. defining who is here legally and who the illegal aliens are. According to the U.S. Immigration and Migration Almanac, in the past immigration as a whole wasn’t a huge issue in early 1500’s the country needed migrants to occupy the country so that it would grow, this time is known as the Colonial Era. Immigrants who came to the United States between the American Revolution and the 1880’s are considered to be in the “first wave” of immigration. Up until the 1880’s the United States had an open door policy, allowing almost anyone to enter the country. In today’s world illegal immigration has become a great problem along with the war on terrorism; this country needs to know who crosses its borders. Since the effort to constrict illegal immigration with the 1996 Immigration Reform and Control Act the number of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. today has doubled, from an estimated 4 million to 8 million, with the undocumented population growing by more than 300,000 a year.
    Tighter border control is one of the many plans that have backfired. Raising the cost and risk of crossing the border, has made it more likely that once immigrants make it here they will stay longer before deciding to re-cross the border. (Griswold, D, 2002) Amnesty (a period during which offenders are exempt from punishment) is another reason why the immigration laws have little effect on illegal aliens. Marticulas (marticulas are Mexican identification cards) cards are one example of amnesty. While Mexican banks and institutions are refusing to accept them as valid ID’s, World Net Daily has reported dozens of major United States banking institutions led by the Bank of America are implementing a nationwide amnesty program for illegal aliens by accepting the cards. (ALIPAC, 2007) With the United States at war terrorism most would expect the government to enforce the law when it comes to protecting our borders and keeping tabs on illegal aliens who lie within our country. However, “The federal government doesn’t track illegal alien murders, rapes or drunken driving deaths…” (WND, 2006)
    Immigrants come to this country with the intent to live a better life many of the immigrants who come to this country are of Hispanic descent. Hispanic immigrants are plagued by illegal aliens many of them of their own decent who take the advantage of opportunities Hispanics immigrants have worked hard to earn. Many illegal aliens get into the country through smuggling and overstaying there temporary visas. In Houston a truck driver was spared the death penalty and sentenced to life in prison for his role in the nation’s deadliest smuggling attempt – a journey that ended in the death of 19 illegal aliens crammed in a swelling tractor-trailer. (ALIPAC, 2006) Illegal aliens hurt all citizens of the United States and give those who do immigrate legally a bad rap. According to the ALIPAC in 2006, three undocumented workers were arrested at the airport for using fake ID’s and making false statements to apply for airport security. You maybe thinking to yourself that just because a few undocumented workers are looking for a job doesn’t mean that they are looking to do harm but it only takes one successful attempt.

    Protecting Our Country

    The White House’s Government website shows that there have been many terrorist attacks in the United States all are documented as the Chronology of Terror. These attacks occur in the following years: 1990, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2001. “In 1990 El Sayyrd A. Nosair assassinated Jewish activist Mir Kahane in New York. Nosair was a follower of Sheikh Omar Abdol Rahaman, who later was linked to the World Trade Center bombing and a U.N. bomb plot. In June of 1993, eight militant Muslim fundamentalists were arrested in New York for plotting to blow up the United Nations headquarters, planning on constructing tunnels under the Hudson River and a federal office building.” “In the mist of these attacks in September of 1994, FBI Dir. Freech sent Dep. Atty. Gen. Gorelick a package of antiterrorism recommendations from the Executive Advisory Board of Dol’s office of legislation Policies. These recommendations were to develop a uniform database of State Dept. visa referrals, rethink the visa waiver pilot program, allow classified information to be used by the court in deportation proceedings, expand INS pre-inspection, tighten asylum screening provisions and detain and expeditiously deport anyone suspected of terrorist intent. It continues adding tighten controls against NIV overstayers, persons involved in sham marriages and to share INS alien files with FBI terrorism investigators.” It seems that these recommendations were never put into effect. “In July 1997, Two Palestinians and Pakistani were arrested on a tip-off to New York City police and were found to have suicide bombs and a note indicating they intended a terrorist attack in the city’s subways. By August of 1997, the State Department acknowledged that it still had not prepared the list of international terrorist organizations required by the Antiterrorism Act of 1996. A Dept. State spokes man said the report was overdue because any group designated as a terrorist organization had the right to challenge that designation in the U.S. courts. The designation causes U.S. fundraising activities for the group to be cut off and members of the group to be barred from entering the United States.” One would have to wonder how they are going to keep terrorists from re-entering the United States if they can’t handle illegal aliens. “In December 1999, Ahmed Ressam, an Algerian, who was admitted to Canada as an asylum applicant in 1994, despite being expelled from Algeria and France for suspicion of terrorist activities, was arrested in Port Angeles, Washington. He was attempting to enter the U. S. from Canada with a car load of bombs making materials destined for the Angeles Airport.” Even to this we have illegal alien supporters (the few approximately 20% of American citizens as shown in numerous polls) who don’t want the United States to protect its borders with the U.S. military.

    Possible Solutions

    With the country at war peaceful on our side horrific on the other according to Griswold, D, of Cato’s Center for Trade Policy Studies we need to have a real immigration reform. One that would create a legal channel for peaceful, hardworking people to enter our country temporarily. He states that we also need to legalize those what are already here, so that they can fill a whole range of jobs where the supply of domestic workers fall short of demand . “ Immigration reform will help our economy grow, it would reduce illegal immigration, and it would enhance the federal governments ability to wage war on terrorism” (Griswold, 2005) He also believes that legalization would encourage millions of currently undocumented workers to make themselves known to authorities by registering with the governments, reducing cover for terrorists who manage to enter the country and overstay their visa’s. At the moment most of the people in the United states have their eyes focused on the Mexican border, but what about the vast Canadian border?
    With the possibilities of more terrorists like Ahmed Rassam entering the country through the Canadian border and the high success rate of illegal aliens crossing the Mexican border many are left to wonder how many have crossed our Canadian border. “Why would potential terrorists incur the risks of sneaking across the southwest border when other doors are more attractive?” A special investigation by the Associated Press last November found that not a single terrorist suspect has been arrested trying to enter the United States across the Mexican border since the September 11th attacks. (Griswold, 2006).

    Efforts Against Illegal Aliens

    The debate over illegal immigration touches issues that deal with terrorism but the issue on immigration is a more heavier topic when it comes to political and economic issues. In Phoenix, Arizona many Hispanics are helping to pass laws against illegal immigration. Many of them hope that it would encourage more Hispanics to legalize themselves in hopes of being a stronger political force. “More than 100,000 people swelled the streets of downtown Phoenix on the morning of April 10th, to demonstrate for fair immigration reform, but while the march’s organizers were able to rally people into the streets they failed to rally voters to the polls.” (ALIPAC, 2006)

    Some Famous Immigrants

    With all the negative press spread about immigration many wonder who are the positive immigrants. Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who is widely considered to have been one of the greatest physicists of all time. He was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect." Nikola Tesla, was a world renowned inventor, physicist, and mechanical engineer. He was born an ethnic Serb citizen of the Austrian Empire and later became an American citizen. Tesla is best known for his many revolutionary contributions to the discipline of electricity and magnetism in the late 19th and early 20th century. Telsa’s patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current electric power (AC) systems, including the polyphase power distribution systems and the AC motor, with which he helped usher in the Second Industrial Revolution. After his demonstration of wireless communication in 1893 and after being the victor in the "War of Currents", he was widely respected as America's greatest electrical engineer. Hakeem Olajuwan, born in Lagos, Nigeria in 1963, is considered by some to have been the most famous continental African to have played in any sport in the entire American continent. One of America’s most famous architects, Leoh Ming Pei was born in Canton, China in 1917 and came to the United States. (Famous American Immigrants, 2006) Leoh Ming Pei designed the Pyramid of Louvre, The Bank of China Tower, The Rock'n'roll Hall of Fame and Museum, and the EDF Tower of France.
    Arguments you may hear

    When bringing up the debate on immigration many people get into arguments over what is what is right or wrong and deciphering what is myth and what is fact. In accordance, to Cato’s Center for Trade Policy Studies there are many arguments you may hear on immigration. Here are a few - “Immigration is a big part of American tradition and national character. We are a nation of immigrants? The fact is, immigration levels today are far higher than traditional levels in the mid 1950’s, our immigration was less than one-third of what it is today. Also, the U.S. today is a very different country than yeas in the past. We’re now a fully populated nation of about 290 million people not the sparsely settled territories 150 years ago.” If today’s rate of immigration continued, it will add nearly 150 million over the next 80 years. (Griswold, 2006). “Immigration has been good for us in the past and have made our nation great - Immigration in the past did bring benefits --- in the past, the U.S. needed large amounts of people to settle the frontier, cut forests, build railroads, mine gold, and much more. Today’s priorities are preserving are remaining wilderness areas, conserving our national revenues, and ensuring a better quality of life for future generations. Furthermore, immigration in the past has been quite limited. History shows us that immigration at high levels in not beneficial, which is why the country cut back immigration after the brief Ellis Island period. Throughout our history, people have always attacked immigration and they have always been wrong. While people have opposed immigration for variety of motives over the years, Americans have always has legitimate concerns about immigration and it’s effects on our population, economy, and society.” (Griswold, 2006)

    Bush’s Plan

    President Bush plans to create a Comprehensive Immigration Reform with the hopes that it would solve our current problems with immigration. His immigration reform will penalize undocumented workers as they should be. He plans on achieve 5 goals securing the Border, creating a temporary worker program, holding employers accountable for the workers they hire, resolving the status of the millions of illegal immigrants already in the country, and finding new ways to help newcomers assimilate into our society. The President Opposes Amnesty. Amnesty is the forgiveness of an offense without penalty. It should not be given to people who entered our country illegally. The President also promotes the idea that illegal immigrants who have roots in our country and want to stay should have to pay a meaningful penalty for breaking the law, pay their taxes, learn English, and work in a job for a number of years.

    Supporters of Illegal Aliens

    According to, the National Mobilization to Support Immigrant Workers - “Immigrant issue once again become the hot topic at Washington. Last month, the Congress introduced bi-partisan STRIVE Act (The Security Through Regularized Immigration and a Vibrant Economy Act, H.R. 1645), and last week President Bush unveils his new immigration proposal, they both calls for comprehensive immigration reform. Bush's proposals, along with Congress's STRIVE Act have many similarities, while they both advocate for "path to the citizenships" includes granting work visas to undocumented immigrants and eventually permanent resident status. But that's a serious flaw--it requires them to return to home and pay hefty fines to become legal U.S. residents, they also need to go though a very tough background check by the government. Under President Bush's plan, they could apply for three-year work visas, dubbed "Z" visas, which would be renewable indefinitely but cost $3,500 each time. The undocumented workers would have legal status with the visas, but to become legal permanent residents with a green card, they'd have to return to their home country, apply at a U.S. embassy or consulate to re-enter legally and pay a $10,000 fine, according to the Los Angeles Times” (mayday, 2007) President Bush’s plans for immigration reform are heading in the right direction when it comers to penalizing illegal aliens who cross the border and there are many groups and organizations that support criminalizing these people.
    Supporters of Legal Immigration

    Mayday May 1st 2007, illegal aliens and their supporters walk the street of America protesting against president Bush’s comprehensive immigration reform. Many of these illegal aliens claim that deportation separates families and the recent raids on illegal aliens are in humane and that they shouldn’t be labeled as criminals. Here in the United States we like to promote the idea that no man or woman is above the law. Rosanna Palido, the head of the Illinois Minute Man Project( The Minuteman Project is an initiative by a group of private citizens in the United States to monitor that country's border from the entry of illegal immigrants. Participants in the project, which began in April 2005, hope to help prevent illegal immigration by alerting the United States Border Patrol to attempts by immigrants to cross the border) speaks up for those who don’t support illegal immigrants. Rosanna Palido, says, “we still have a government that unwilling to enforce immigration laws on the books…today I know they are talking about families stop the raids because they don’t won’t their families being separated…the media has not covered the families of American citizens that have been killed by illegal aliens. Since 9-11 while we lost over 3000 solders in the Iraq war we’ve lost over 20 thousand citizens since here we have American families that have been separated no body is talking about them this is America.” We it comes down to Comprehensive Immigration Reform Support she clearly states that Minute Man Project doesn’t support President Bush’s Reform because we don’t need new laws against illegal immigration we simply need our current laws enforced. There are illegal aliens who are here to work but no one is above the law when some chooses to break the law then they are criminals and should be punished for their crimes. “If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime.”- a wise man once said.

    Freedom is anything but free native born Americans and Immigrants have fought for their rights and freedoms their with blood and tears and no one should be allowed to come here as they please and take advantage of the rights Americans have fought for. According to Rosanna Palido, the head of the Illinois Minute Man Project there are 14 million unemployed American citizens in the united states and we should be concerned about our citizens before we cater to the outcries of criminals. According to Harlow, S. a reporter for The News Journal of Delaware, “The Application fee for legal residence would rise from 325 USD to 905 USD. A citizenship application would increase from 350 USD to 595 USD. The average increase for fees associated with immigration would be 66 percent.” This doesn’t stop immigrants from registering “The potential fee increases, change to the citizenship exams and a year of contentious debate over U.S immigration policy are causing droves of immigrants to apply for citizenship. The number of applications in January was up 81 percent over Jan. 2006 to 95,076.“ For Alfredo Gonzalez, of Dover, who left Mexico 13 years ago, says, paying the immigration fees meant months of saving, but to him, the Security of knowing he’s now a U.S. citizen was worth carrying a double shift.

    A New Civil War?

    What is there to do about illegal immigration enforce our law and we the people of America always have to fight for our rights and sustain or freedoms. We the people have fought hard for what we have and what we build for future generations. The groups that support illegal aliens are trying to use our rights that belong to our citizens to start a new war. With slogans such as, WE ARE ALL HUMANS! NO ONE IS ILLEGAL! demanding that criminals from foreign countries should have the same rights as Americans. Sites like promote these ideas of civil war by blending the rights of immigrants with the rights of illegal aliens. There is no such thing as an illegal immigrant because all immigrants are legal. The rights of immigrants and native born citizens are being prayed upon by these criminals. The debate over immigration will never end until the youth of today stand up for their country and vote to enforce the laws against the invasion against the U.S.


    Boycott bank of America. (2007, March 14). Retrieved April 2, 2007, from ALIPAC Website: ... t&sid=2013
    Chronology of terror. (2006, October 40). Retrieved April 2, 2007, from Federation for American immigration Reform Website: ... enters7b67
    Comprehensive immigration reform. (2007). Retrieved April 2, 2007, from The White House Website:
    Crimes scenes illegal immigration laws. (2007, November 26).Retrieved April 2, 2007, from ALIPAC website: ... t&sid=1716
    Famous American immigrants. (2006, September 270. Retrieved April 2, 2007, from Immigration update Website: ... mmigrants/
    Fox News. (May 1,2007). Opponents Line Up. Retrieved May 1, 2007, from MyFox Chicago Website:
    GOP, businesses are at odds on migrant reform. (2007, March 11). Retrieved April 2, 2007, from ALIPAC Website: ... ic&t=57021
    Barnes, G. (2007, January 25). Statement of most reverend Gerald R. Barnes. Retrieved April 2, 2007, from USCCB Committee on Migration Website:
    Benson, S. (2007). U.S. Immigration and Migration Almanac. Farmington Hills, Mi: The Gale Groups, Inc.
    Cutler, M. (2007, March 10). Illegal immigrant gangs terrorists. Retrieved April 2, 2007, from ALIPAC Website: ... t&sid=2003
    Dinan, S. (2007, January 4). Congress senate illegal immigration laws. Retrieved April 2, 2007, from ALIPAC Website: ... t&sid=1813
    Fitzgerald, R. (2006, July 29). Workers sought security badges. Retrieved April 2, 2007, from ALIPAC Website: ... ic&t=36163
    Graman, K. (2007, April 2). Local GOP hosts minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist; Speaks on immigration issues. Retrieved April 2, 2007, from Jim Gilchrist Website:
    Griswold, D. (2002, October 15). Willing workers key points. Retrieved April 2, 2007, from Cato’s Center for Trade Policy Studies Website: ... Points.pdf
    Griswold, D. (2004, April 1). Securing our borders under a temporary guest worker program. Retrieved April 2, 2007, from Cato’s Website:
    Griswold, D. (2004, December 3). Beyond the barbed wire. Retrieved April 2, 2007, from Cato’s Website:
    Griswold, D. (2005, April 27) America needs real immigration reform. Retrieved April 2, 2007, from Cato’s Website:
    Griswold, D. (2006, May 15). Immigration. Retrieved April 2, 2007, from Cato’s Website:
    Harlow, S. (2007, April 5). Fee hikes could keep some immigrants from citizenship. Retrieved April 2, 2007, The News Journal
    Lee, H. (2007, April 11). Our responds to the recent President Bush and congress's immigration proposals. Retried May 1, 2007, from National Mobilization to Support Immigrant Workers Website:
    Lozano, J. (2007, January 1. Truck driver sentenced to life in prison. Retrieved April 2, 2007, from ALIPAC Website: ... ic&t=51715
    Lynch, S. (2006, November 30). State laws immigration illegal legal. Retrieved April 2, 2007, from ALIPAC Website: ... t&sid=1722
    Olmos, L. (2006, May 17). LULAC endorses call for comprehensive immigration reform. Retrieved April 2, 2007, from League of United Latin American Citizens Website: ... eform.html
    Raum, T. (2007, March 14). Bush to push for immigration legislation. Retrieved April 2, 2007, from Boston Website:
    Yeagley, D. (2006, May 11). Mexican women beg: Close the Border. Retrieved April 2, 2007, from Free Republic Website:

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Well the whole point of the rally is to get media attention. The media is not going to waste their time on a bunch of Citizens demanding justice.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Sure hope everyone remembers the large gathering in DC only last week for HOLD YOUR FEET TO THE FIRE

    WE sure shook up the Hill!

    Rallies are one thing but hitting the Congress en toto is most important as well as the State legislators.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  7. #7
    Senior Member Americanpatriot's Avatar
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    Welcome to the 21st century

    Americans have what are called phones, cell phones, and computers, with which to send faxes, e-mails, and make phone calls. We can actually, work while we are faxing, e-mailing and calling our elected officials. That way we don't miss a whole day's work. This is something Americans do well. That's where the rallies and protests are held...welcome to the 21st century.
    <div>GOD - FAMILY - COUNTRY</div>

  8. #8
    lost's Avatar
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    Jan 1970

    Re: Welcome to the 21st century

    Quote Originally Posted by Americanpatriot
    Americans have what are called phones, cell phones, and computers, with which to send faxes, e-mails, and make phone calls. We can actually, work while we are faxing, e-mailing and calling our elected officials. That way we don't miss a whole day's work. This is something Americans do well. That's where the rallies and protests are held...welcome to the 21st century.
    thats all good for the people who work but what about the 14 million unempolyed, the 20,000 citizens familes who have be hurt by illegal aliens, along with rape victums, people who are effected by gang violence, non-profit organisations that support legal immigartion when will their voices be heard. When will the media allow the citizens of america defend their freedoms instead of playing the fiddle for criminals.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Americanpatriot's Avatar
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    1,603 got that right!
    <div>GOD - FAMILY - COUNTRY</div>

  10. #10
    Senior Member Americanpatriot's Avatar
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    The main stream media is owned and operated by the elites; they say what they are told, and show us what they think is good for ratings.

    They have to be informed that they are on the wrong side of history and for that they are now relics and on the way out. The elected officials and the media are getting hammered behind the scenes via: phone, and the internet regarding what most Americans want and don't want. There are big rallies in Mexico and it doesn't seem to help them there. So, they come here and do it. They know the liberals will give them the whole store. It is a fact - Americans are working the system in a differtent way.


    1. I e-mail the fake newsmedia and let them know I am not watching them or their propaganda,
    2. I e-mail, fax and call the elected officials...they got my number.
    <div>GOD - FAMILY - COUNTRY</div>

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