Friends, I have just reviewed the latest polling information and this is what I think we can tell.

1. Republican numbers continue to rise and Democrat numbers are in free fall. Many Americans plan to voice their opinions by not showing up for Obama.

2. It appears that this backlash, wave, revolution is bigger than the 1994 phenomena although the dynamics may play out differently. What is happening in 2010 appears to be 10-20% stronger than the 1994 'year of the angry white male' backlash.

3. A lot of the polls cannot accurately predict because of major variable on voter turnout.

At this point the only thing the elites can do TRY to stop this revolution is to postpone or cancel the elections, cheat, or blow something up to send people scrambling for familiar politicians.

We must keep our momentum up, get everyone we know out to vote, and give all we can in combined time and donations ASAP!