I was watching FOX news. Cavuto interviewed an Army Sgt who was blinded in combat. He had a wonderful attitude despite everything he had experienced and still going through. This wonderful human being expressed the same sentiment as his wounded buddies when he said he felt guilty he wasn't able to return to combat and help his soldiers continue the fight. I, having served 24 years in the Air Force including frontline combat duty, understood, as millions of other veterans do, what it is like to have a love for your country and are willing to commit your life in the struggle for America's ideals so American citizens can continue to enjoy the blessings of liberty. What I don't understand is why this administration and congress are willing to sell out these ideals we have fought and died for to fortune 500 CEO's, foreign potentates, and illegal mobs who protest in our streets, demanding all that we have fought to protect, preserve and defend. They and their advocates (Latino-American Citizens) don't understand nor do they care about the high price that was paid in blood, sweat and tears to secure these rights. They don't understand that with rights comes responsibility. These hooligans blantantly defame our most sacred symbols that represent those rights that we as citizens hold so closely to our hearts and in our minds.
I truly am ashamed of this administration and congress. They have sold this country out for cheap labor and profit margins, and in doing so have dishonored the sacrifices and the memories of thousands who believed in our ideals, our liberty and our sacred honor.