I received an email yesterday from a trusted website to offer for purchase a reprint of an 1864 publication entitled, "The Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States". Being the cheapskate I am, I decided to look around and see if I could pick up a used copy "on the cheap". When I Googled the title, much to my surprise I discovered the ORIGINAL text had been scanned into Google Books and was free for the asking to download! I reviewed several pages of the book and believe it will be a wonderful historical asset to share with friends, family, and those not so friendly to the truth about the intent of the founding fathers of this nation.

Here is my (and of course Google's) gift to all those determined and courageous ALIPACers who already know the facts but want to be able to share them with many of their less informed "friends".

The book is located at:

http://books.google.com/books?id=H92keU ... PM#PPA8,M1

Enjoy the book, and let's all hope today is the day that stinking puddle of elitest drool (S.134 is flushed down the Senatorial drain! I have a strong feeling today is going to be a good day for the good guys!

FOOTNOTE: I had trouble with the "open" and "save" commands which both generated a "damaged file error" that could not be corrected. You can however still view and read the book in Adobe format by saving the link in your favorites or bookmarks and reading it online at your leisure. Sadly, the "cut & paste" function will not work when viewing the text online so you will have to type those quotes out when you share them!