Here we go again! Knowing nothing about Sarah Palin it immediately became apparent why John McCain picked her for VP.

Could McCain have picked a candidate farther from our southern border with Mexico? Are some of us the only ones who have noticed the suspicious reasoning for this choice by a candidate for President who has been adamantly pro-amnesty? What does she know about the problems in the southwestern parts of the United States with illegal immigration? Probably plenty, and she's going to milk the illegal alien employer lobby for all they're worth. Has the phrase "illegal immigration" EVER been part of her public discourse? Remember that she went to college near the Washington Idaho border as a journalism and political science major. There are many illegal Hispanics in this region, and, in the unlikely event that she lived under a rock in those times, she would have had to have been aware of this.

McCain knows he might not survive his full term of office, as he is actuarially at the upper limits of the human lifespan. Is this his way of leaving his legacy of amnesty for countless millions of additional illegal aliens behind by picking a possible successor that is a closet illegal alien supporter? Because she has no published position on what most of the electorate considers a huge problem, it seems reasonable to conclude that she shares McCain’s sympathies. The clues to this amnesty position, as previously mentioned are: Alaskan, married to an Alaskan of part indigenous extraction, brought up a Roman Catholic, until such time as she resided in an area that had no Roman Catholic Church. Remember that Alaska, as a former possession of Russia, had, and still has, many Russian Orthodox Churches with a tenuous linkage to the Roman Catholic Church. Like the Roman Catholic Church’s influence in the governmental affairs of many countries, the Russian Orthodox Church, before the advent of Communism in Russia, was predominantly the church of the State, and continued as such under Communism. We consider State churches in this country to be a violation of our Constitution.

And could it be that she may have a warped sense of sympathy for Mexico's claims to the southwest, since her husband is part Alaskan native? Additionally she is a convert to Pentacostalism from Roman Catholicism. Note that there are no Roman Catholic churches in Wasilla, Alaska. Could that be part of the amnesty mix as well? After all, what organization would benefit more from additional waves of illegal immigrants than the Roman Catholic Church? And what organization publicly supports their illegal entry more?

As Governor, Palin has been given accolades for her tough stance on penalizing the "good 'ol boy network". Really! The biggest "good 'ol boy network" in this country consists of employers who thrive by having many illegal aliens working for them. There are fewer law abiding employers, as time goes on, in terms of those that make an honest effort to employ legal immigrants that come to them looking for work. So now, it would appear by her silence on the subject, she is the latest one on the take to try to further her political ambitions with the illegal alien employer lobby. Admittedly these views are anecdotal, but since the Republican VP candidate has given us nothing else to go on, the conclusions seem reasonable.

Not to worry. The rest of us will pay the increased health insurance premiums, auto insurance premiums, school taxes, special consideration for illegal aliens for college admissions, infrastructure improvements for an increased illegal alien population, expanded prison systems, subsidized housing, degraded hospital facilities due to emergency room closings, deteriorating incomes (from having to compete with illegal alien labor), destruction of our common language, our culture and our borders, all of which leads to a serious deterioration of our liberties.

These conclusions on the candidates views on illegal immigration are drawn because of the complete failure of the electronic media of all types to face what, only a few months ago, were major news topics, but now, seemingly, has become a forbidden topic of discussion. There certainly is no perceivable beauty in this picture wrought by knowledge of the facts of Palin's bio, public statements and record as a Governor. She may be a spokesperson for adding to our energy needs, mostly directed at benefitting Alaskans. But if the price is additional millions of illegal residents they will easily consume whatever additional domestic energy supplies that are brought online.

And what about Ramos and Compean. Will McCain pardon them? Would Palin support such a pardon? Why all the silence? She has 2 sons in the military. Would she object to their being members of the U. S. Border Patrol? Are her political ambitions so great that she would not wish to touch the subject of the imprisonments of Ramos and Compean with a ten foot pole for fear of limiting her chances, and probably alienating McCain. Remember. All of the defenders of the recent 5th Circuit Court’s decision to reject the appeals of Ramos and Compean neglect to mention what was withheld from jury consideration. What is being referred to is the fact the Aldrete-Davila was involved in subsequent drug dealing AFTER the confrontation with Ramos and Compean and BEFORE the trial. For the 5th Circuit to have taken little notice of the impact this would have had on the jury’s decision suggests political influence colored it, and not whether justice was rendered.

One more thought here. Obama/Biden are even worse.

The previous was posted on other blogs. It contains criticisms of the meddling of the Catholic Church with our immigration laws. For that reason this post has been banned from a number of sites. This post will be repeated on newly discovered sites in order to discover where discussion on this issue will be allowed. This demonstrates how our First Amendment is under attack, and why McCain (of McCain-Feingold) and Palin should not be fully trusted to defend our Constitutional rights. No one should forget what brought about the rise of Protestantism, and those who suffered banishment or death by Church authorities, such as Galileo and Bruno, to mention only a couple.