
I am about to order the launch of an effort from ALIPAC to reach out to others across the nation in what we will call "Operation Open Eyes".

For the remainder of August, we will ask our contacts and activists to enjoin this effort. We will need your support to make it a success and we will call on our friends and allies in the movement to orient their people on this goal.

This operation will ask volunteers to engage in a letter to the editor campaign, accompanied by e-mails and phone calls. Our targets will be members of Congress, State and local office holders (state govt, county commission, city council, district attorney's etc) along with reporter and personalities in all local media.

Our goal is to make sure that everyone in our local area knows some of the most important facts about our illegal immigration crisis, where the public stands on these issues, and where they can find ALIPAC and more information and resources. We hope that our efforts will open a lot of eyes and increase the rate at which America is waking up.

America must awaken and it is time for us to start banging on a pan with a spoon next to their sleeping heads.

I've often stated that the ALIPAC discussion boards are to be more than a place where information and opinions are shared. These boards, in combination with our activists that respond through other connections, are to be a place where citizen activists are encouraged, directed, trained, and recruited.

For this operation to be a success, I need your help. I need to know if you will take steps to help us with Operation Open Eyes and post your activities, questions, and participation updates here in the forums.

Many people have found us and posted how thankful they are that they found us. It is now time for us to find others and put information in front of them. This will be an educational campaign and it will take hundreds of us working together.

Who will stand with me? Who can I count on here in the forums to make this effort a success?
