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  1. #1
    swtncgram's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Whorehay Bush is so pro-Mexican if whacked with a stick....

    Whorehay Bush is so pro-Mexican if whacked with a stick tacky
    prizes and candy would spill out. He has had his head up Fox's
    butt for so long he can't make the distinction between an
    American and an illegal. He wont be satisfied until
    America is known as the United States of Amerimex.
    If Jorg had intentions of gaining control of our borders and illegal
    immigration it would have already been done in the wake of 11
    September. Any attempt to control or alter immigration policies would
    interfere with Jorge's plans for his mexican familia. He won't even
    put a stop to terrorists entering this oountry because it would
    interfere with his mexican plan. We might as well get prepared for
    millions of Afghan refugees, too. They will probably work cheaper
    than mexicans. And Jorge will need some replacement models once he
    gets all of us American citizens killed in our own country through his
    refusal to enforce the laws we already have on the books. I am
    starting to wonder if the whole episode isn't orchestrated with the
    express purpose of "leveling the playing field" by committing genocide
    of the American people and bringing the US down to the level of third
    world countries.
    Andrew Jackson was refered to as "Old Hickory" We can call George Bush
    "Old Lickery" for his attempts to get those latino votes, pandering to them and giving their brown butts a big kiss.

  2. #2
    mrmiata7's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Unoccupied Savannah, Georgia

    Who is in control?

    As I said in a previous group all this is in line with Comrade Bush's vision of his Globalization Manifesto. He has absolutely no intention of securing the border. He is determined to integrate the economy of a 21st Century 1st world technological, economic and military superpower with a nation of which the majority of the population has an education and IQ not much higher than the fruits and vegetables they pick and whose only industries are exporting fruits, vegetables, crime, disease, anchor babies and poverty. We are definitely receiving the short end of the pinata stick. This administration has existed only to serve Fox, his IRP elitists, the Fortune 500 CEO's and the Narco-Empire and Mexican Mafia which manipulates the strings of his government and ours.

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