Who’s Counting? We Are!!!!

And we all should continue counting. Did you ever wonder what the problems of Illegal Immigration is costing the U.S. Taxpaying Citizen?

Here is a link to the website of an organization called ImmigrationCounters.com:


Not only does it contain informative articles regarding the Illegal Immigration problem; this website is an excellent research tool for all ALIPAC members. It indicates the escalating expenses that Illegal Immigration is costing us. Based from the earliest listed date of 1996, it contains information that we should all be apprised of every day as it shows escalating numbers in every category. As an example, I’ve provided a listing of categories and their numbers as they appeared just before I created this posting. Most of those numbers continue to rise steadily. Here they are:

Illegals in Country: 21,236,239
OTM (Other than Mexican) Illegals in Country: 525,858
Money Wired to Mexico Since January 2006: $43,030,733,998 (rapidly rises by seconds)
Money Wired to Latin America Since 2001: $340,790,434,949 (rapidly rises by seconds)
Cost of Social Services for Illegals since 1996: $397,482,251,141 (rapidly rises)
Children of Illegals in Public Schools: 4,194,590
Cost of Illegals in Grades K-12 since 1996: $14,865,399,822 (rapidly rises)
Illegals Incarcerated: 351,887
Cost of Incarcerations Since 2001: $1,480,658,602
Illegal Alien Fugitives: 664,235
Anchor Babies Since 2002: 2,157,055 (steadily rises)
Skilled Jobs Taken by Illegals: 10,247,983.

Grand Total of Listed Monetary Expenses to the U.S. Taxpaying Citizen: $797,649,478,512. This reflects the dollar amounts listed here; all of which have most likely risen since the information was garnered for this posting.

Log into this website now and you will see how much the figures have already escalated.

Why should we count? Because we are the ones who are footing the bill and it all needs to stop.