You’re probably going to think I’m nuts and this may be conspiracy theory-ish, but I’m racking my brain trying to figure out WHY ON EARTH our leaders continue to let the current immigration disaster continue unabated?

You have to admit that the current policies of our government and their lack of enforcement of current laws look like they actually WANT illegal immigration and the resulting Hispanicization of America to continue. That begs the question: why? So let’s try to figure this out logically and try to deduce the reason(s) why.

For the sake of argument, let’s start with the assumption that George Bush, his administration, our government leaders, and the ruling elite of this country WANT the current illegal immigration to continue, which is evidenced by their actions. That begs several other questions. I think the answers to those questions might help us figure this out:

1. Why would the elite of our country, including George Bush and his administration, want America to be invaded by Hispanics, mostly from Mexico?

Answer: The logical reason is that they want to change the composition of the type of people that compose our country. That is, they want a demographic shift in the population.

2. Why would they WANT a change in the type of people that compose the majority of the population of the United States of America, i.e. why would they want such a huge demographic shift in population?

Answer: If you want to change something, it’s because you’re not satisfied with it the way it is, for one reason or another. You seek to gain some benefit from changing it.

3. What is the benefit they will derive?

Answer: That is difficult to say, since it is a subjective idea of what is a benefit: “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure,� as the saying goes, but we might be able to guess at the benefit being sought. Since people from different cultures have different social values, mores, and other characteristics, it would seem logical that the benefit being sought would be some characteristic that the population you are allowing to invade HAS that the current population DOES NOT have.

4. If you are a ruling elite and you want to maintain, or increase, your power and control over your subjects, what kind of subjects do you want?

Answer: A poor, uneducated, population that is accustomed to and accepting of authoritarian rule and corruption would seem tailor-made to fit this want. The population of invading Hispanics that compose the flood of illegal aliens crossing our southern border every day are poor, uneducated, and accustomed to and accepting of authoritarian rule and corruption.

Therefore, it seems logical that the reason George Bush, his administration, our government leaders, and the ruling elites of this country want to continue allowing the invasion that is going on to continue, is that they want to change the population they rule over now, to one that is poor, uneducated, and accustomed to and accepting of authoritarian rule and corruption.