We all know that those who are here illegally have broken our laws by mere fact of their presense in our country, but most of those groups that support illegal aliens and their causes like to portray them as being honest hard working citizens in every other way...nothing could be farther from the truth for each and every one of them.

Tax EVASION is a very serious charge in this country, punishable in many instances with a felony record, and some amount of prison time. Most of these undocumented workers (politically correct term for illegal aliens) work under the table, or are a part of that underground economy we hear so much about.

Let's for purposes of simplification look at only one million illegal aliens in this country working illegally, and do some BASIC math. The average illegal alien in my area who is getting work through a day labor site is getting daily pay of 100 dollars...this is actually a low number, as many construction companies retain those with higher skill sets and pay them a higher daily rate, but still lower than their legal American counter part would make. On a five day work week, that's five hundred dollars a week, and for simplification, I gave each of these one million illegal workers two weeks vacation a year, thus using 50 weeks at 500 dollars a week for each one of them.

A million illegal aliens working under the table comes out to $25 BILLION dollars a year in non reported income. Using a thirty percent tax rate to account for all local, state and federal tax bites, that is $7.5 BILLION in UNPAID TAXES each and every year for just one million of these illegal aliens who are working under the radar.

How much more competitive could each of us be if we had a free ride on taxes to the tune of 7.5 BILLION Dollars each and every year? I bring this up for a reason...the fastest growing small businesses are those in the Mexican population of our country. Well, it becomes much easier to start your own business when the Federal government is giving you a 30 percent profit advantage compared to your competition because you are not paying taxes, and they are. Where is the IRS doing records checks for every one of these new Mexican businesses, where is the IRS in working hand in hand with INS and Homeland Security to crack down in a tantum effort to catch and deport illegal aliens, and bring tax evaders to justice in our criminal courts.

It's simple...if a Mexican starts his own business and is not paying taxes...even for say the first two-five years while the business is built and established, and is using illegal aliens being paid lower wages, American small business owners simply cannot compete with them, and will be forced into bankruptcy, or at the very least forced out of business. Cheap wages combined with no taxes is a recipe no legal law abiding citizen of America can compete with, and it is simple as that.

So, on top of breaking our immigration laws, these illegal aliens have broken our tax codes as well, and I am wondering if this is a wedge issue we need to use more forcefully in making our arguments to our elected officials and the press?

Pinto Bean