I'm at a red light, stopped, headed uphill. As all of us have done, my car slowly rolls forward, while I am braking, and slightly taps the small 1977 Capri in front of me. I get out, see no damage, (other than the rusty bumper of this POS). I tell the driver that it's OK, no harm done, but she sits still and does not leave, although the light is green. Well, I can't move cause I'm afraid of getting a hit & run. The lady won't say a word, just stares straight ahead. Won't say a word. By then the police show up. They get the same response form the lady and fearing she is in shock, call an ambulance. The paramedics ge there and get the same non-response, and put her on a strecher (remember it was only a 2 mph TAP!) and take her to the hospital, where they finally figure out the reason she won't talk is because she is MEXICAN and doesn't know ENGLISH! After getting an interpreter in, she tell them she is just fine. But guess who has to pay for the Ambulance, the INTERPRETER and of all else, the rusty bumper? ME AND MY INSURANCE!!! Why is this right in this society? Because I work hard and can afford insurance, and I am legal? My insurance said it wasn't enought to fight it but it affecrted my rates. As far as the police, they couldn't find a fresh scratch among the deteration and other older scratches and dents. So why am I THAT liable for something that has happened to me from other drivers behind me that wasn't a big deal either?