Well, as hard as we all work on each and every one of these issues, it seems there are people out in this great country who are not even on the same planet! Hell-ow world, are you people listening or watching to what is happening around you! (Obviously NO!)

I have come to the conclusion that UNLESS you get into people's FACES and sound like a crazy whacked out lune you will never get the attention of the opposition!

For example: Drive down the road, see all of the trash alongside the road? Drive down that same road next week, trash still there? My guess is YES!

Everyone who drove past that trash said, "what a disgrace, people who throw trash out and litter should be fined, and the highway department will be by soon to pick this trash up"

WRONG! Most likely the highway department will NEVER know about that area of highway having TRASH until someone notifies them of it! Did you?

NO, neither did the other 300,000 cars that drove by the trash!

But one person did! Just one, they called the highway department, they emailed in the report from the highway department's on-line trash reporting web site, that person actually makes it part of their daily commute to take notice of these piles of trash and report them!

Sounds like a Wacko HUH!

Actually, it is that one in 300,000 that is getting involved! That one person who is making the difference....isn't that sad?

One person.....everyone else who drove down that freeway expected that someone, or the highway department would pickup the trash, but nobody did call in EXCEPT that one person... That one person who takes it as his or her personal responsibility to actually do something about something!

Everyone is so busy with there own "Personal Schedules" that they cannot make any time to come down to the border, or to attend a rally, or go to some event..........We are all guilty of it.........

So, next time you drive by that pile of trash on the freeway, note the county, city, cross street, time and day and report it to your highway department! And make them follow up with you!

And next time you start complaining about so many Illegals here in this country, ask yourself:

Self, what have I done this week to help deter these people from crossing into our country?

What have I done to tell my elected representatives that I oppose any form of Amnesty?

What Have I done in my neighborhood to help stop illegal immigration?

How many people have I helped this week to really understand the impact of illegal immigration that I know?

What else can I do to help America?

You decide, it is ONLY up to you, and you alone, nobody can do this for you!


And yes I still am mad!