Oh what a bunch of BS i got from them. They tried to stay away from the subject of Illegals. Told me that was a Federal Problem. There quote. Our Platform is based on Education, Jobs, health care. Then I brought up that there is now. Over 60,000 Illegals in our state and 250,000 jobs outsourced. That makes Ohio Jobs outlook at negative 310,000 plus jobs. The phone gets quite, then a little voice says. It is not on the top of our problems. My quote, it better get to the top, yesterday. Then again, he said it would have to be on there platform to have any concerns. Then he said what do you want to hear. I said once again. I want to know what is the DNC's stance. Are you for the American Citizen or for Globalization and no borders. Again the little voice came across the phone, and said what is it you want. Then by this time, I had to come down hard. I asked him point blank. What Flag does the OHIO DNC pledge it's allegiance too. Before he could get a word in, I said.
Let me tell you, (1st) the DNC better get Howard the Communist Dean out of there Party.
(2nd) open your eyes the Citizens are not happy with either party. The DNC is going to be going by the wayside, like Political Parties of the Past have.
(3rd ) you better get onboard the Train with the rest of the patriots of America and start doing something about Illegal Immigration.
(4th) any vote by the DNC Nationally or locally for any type of Amnesty, is going to be 10 million Votes against the DNC or Who ever thinks that Illegals have more rights then Citizens.

But we the Citizens will not rule out that the DNC can't run for local Dog Catchers.

Then he said, but we haven't got a stance. I said by that sir, it is plan your stance is for NON-CITIZENS and BIG BUSINESS.

I sometime think I enjoy talking to DUMMIES like this one. They haven't got a clue. I wonder who helps them get out of bed in the Morning. I know they haven't got enough sense to do it on there own.