Hello All,
I just received an e-mail containing a link to a petition for Dream Act that is to be sent to Congressman Jerry Lewis. The Petition contains signatures and other related information. My question is if Illegal Aliens are signing a public petition sent to a Congressman then does the information become public record? My other question is can the petition be obtained through the FOIA?


Signatures here are hand-drawn online using a mouse, stored as graphic images, and watermarked with Doc. Number: 57670 (See Key)

AUTHOR: Courtney Vouchieng Tran Contact
RECIPIENT: Congressman Jerry Lewis
RELATED WEB LINK: http://www.myspace.com/psychoi89


Over a million young high school graduates in the United States face the tragedy of an uncertain, curbed future due to current immigration laws. In large part, this is due to their parents' citizenship status (lack thereof), their undocumentation, and immigration limbo. The Dream Act will allow for a two-step process where these students can apply for citizenship upon meeting the criteria of having demonstrated a hard working and good character over a course of six years conditional period- a period granted through applying for temporary residential status. The passage of the Dream Act will significantly impact the lives of those students who are qualified- who have earned it- allowing them to pursue their lifelong dreams and careers, raising their future income, the amount of taxes they will pay, and be a means of lowering crime rates. Please sign this petition and show your support for promising a better future that will affect not only them, their future family, but affect ourselves as well. Support this for the deserving students in America.

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