William and crew- When we fought this fight years ago we developed lists for emails, & faxes and phone numbers. You had them in one area for all of us to refer to and they were "STICKEY" can you maybe create a Catagory for us to have easy access to this information? We need to be organized in this effort and MUSTER up all our resources to again defeat this attack on our country again.

Lets create teams to monitor the other side's web sites to see what they are doing! Lets be Pro-Active and get face time infront of those that will be voteing! Lets develop teams to talk to our represenatives as a united front!

Lets work smarter and harder than befor to stop this madness!

Lets come up with a catchy slogan that EVERY AMERICAN can relate to, something that the media cannot twist around like they did with TeaBagers!

Lets develop our own personal email lists, lets sign up for tools like constant Contact to email all our friends, lets farm our emails when someone does a reply ALL! Harvest those other emails and send them information about what is happening!

Lets stop this madness and take back America!

