
I understand there are lots of important and often confusing things going on right now and we can all see that reflected on these boards.

We need everyone to pull together and focus on fighting the Dream Act Amnesty here at ALIPAC and not this food bill and other measures. I'm not saying these other things are not important.

What I am saying is that we need each of you to help us keep the focus on fighting Dream Act Amnesty.

We need each of you to help by keeping your actions and the action of others focused on the ALIPAC strategy and game plan for defeating this legislation.

While communications and posting information and articles is helpful, we need more heavy lifters on the phone.

The first errors in our Senate target contact lists were not located by our top activists here on these boards as one would expect. Those errors were located by people out there on our email alerts lists and relayed in to us.

There are many things that are not functioning full speed here at ALIPAC.

Please listen to my advice carefully and respond appropriately for this call for organization, focus, and discipline.

We have fought and won these battles before and right now we have a major problem with our team taking this threat with the proper degree of seriousness and with our team responding with the amount of focus and work needed to prevail.

We have a very precious short period of time... (LIKE TONIGHT) to fix these deficits or risk losing this fight, losing ALIPAC, and losing our nation.

Please post to me here if you have read and you understand this request and if we can count on you to get in formation with us and encourage others to do the same?

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC