Friends of ALIPAC:

I am truly in awe by what we see before us. They are sending forth their political pundits to assure all members of the Senate they will not lose their seats over this bill. The print media, which has a blackout in place on most of our movement's leaders that represent your positions, is playing this assurance game as well.

This is a great victory for our side, because it tells us what is going on behind the closed doors. The lawmakers are both shocked and fearful of the massive public backlash on this bill.

I'm reading where Trent Lott believes that the high volume of negative calls is the result of a misinformation campaign from Bloggers and Talk radio. What a joke. The truth is that people are getting the truth from the Internet and talk radio and the powerful Senators did not count on that happening. Now they are trying to say that our side is not more numerous, just more of us feel passionately in our opposition to the measure than those that support the bill.

They just do not want to accept the fact that this bill sucks and that the vast majority of Americans are against what they are trying to do!

Now they have sent Bush and Chertoff out to defend the plan. We have a President with less than 28% approval trying to defend a bill that has less than 26% support. Their miscalculations never end!

For Bush to try and say those opposed to this bill do not have America's best interest in mind is a new low, but then again we are used to New LOW Bush.

The question on my mind is exactly how low will he and his co-conspirators go to get what they want?

The kind mention today on the Limbaugh show was a big boost and tomorrow we are sending out the press release housed in the Announcements section to thumb our nose at the old media and invigorate our allies on the Net and the Talk Shows.

In the end analysis, it is not the strength of ALIPAC, NumbersUSA, MCDC, etc... What is happening today is a true awakening and the strength of those Americans that can still think straight in this nation and take action.

They rolled their plan out, we hit them super hard! Now they are trying to take the offense with that liar Kyle claiming most calls are now in support of the bill. lol

No doubt, the globalists and their supporters probably have some real machinery in the works trying to counter our efforts now.

Miss America getting booed by the Mexicans and a bird taking a crap on Bush did not help the pro amnesty forces very much.

I'm just amazed by what is going on now and how out of touch with reality these Globalists and their pet Senators are. They think that just because they say something that it will become reality.

Tonight, while doing a talk show, it dawned on me that these Senators and their Globalist masters are not just counting on Americans to forget about this before the next election.

They are counting on their ability to keep Americans in the dark and control minds with the propaganda we are seeing left and right in the Old Guard media!

We are standing in their way and doing a damn fine job of it.

That is why Bush was in GA today on DA King's turf and why Chertoff was on the air here in NC today where I have been very active as part of their first offensive play.

We must be agile and energized to fight back this offense.

The thing is, from what I have learned and experienced in life, that if we beat them back on this they are going to crack up and get even stranger than they are acting now.

We stand in the way of the political machine that has reduced most of Iraq to rubble now.

Who knows what they might do before this is all over if we continue to confound their plans.

How is everyone feeling? What do you know? What do you see? Where do you feel the fight is going next? What do you think we should do next? What are you seeing and hearing around you?

Penny for your thoughts....
