I have done 5 talk radio interviews this morning and have been encouraging people to help us in NC and TX.

Also, I had an unexpected opportunity to speak with one of Senator Cornyn's staffers and to thank them for opposition to the bill.

I had a very successful meeting with Senator Elizabeth Dole and staff.

She is very committed to defeating this bill. I asked her to speak with Senator Burr and request that he stop voting for cloture.

I expressed to her on the behalf of many GOP campaigns and consultants that Burrs Yes votes on cloture could hurt the entire NC GOP ticket 2008. Dole fervently agreed with my point and I feel confident that she will be speaking to Burr about that.

Me and Carmen Mercer, with MCDC are on our way to the capital gallery now to watch the Senate activities.

Also, Dole's staff stays there will be a series of two to three more cloture votes need before the bill can pass.

If the cloture vote is delayed then it probably means the amnesty supporters don’t' have the votes and they need at least 50.


Dictation by Dixie