CNN In Copper Hill
posted August 2, 2008

Much ado has been made about CNN's visit to Copper Hill to uncover the backwoods opinion on Barack Obama's alleged Muslim connection.

So Obama isn't Muslim.

That's great. I really don't care if he is, as I'm not so sure religion alone is proper reason to deny a vote for president. Remember, the Muslim faith has been attacked and reworked by an odd brand of fundamentalism that in no way represents the average Muslim I might encounter in America.
Again, so Obama isn't Muslim.

Neither am I.

He is the most liberal member of the Senate, has no background making a payroll, operating a business, serving in any role as a government executive, employing and managing large groups of people, no military experience, no foreign policy credentials, no claim to balancing any budget, no accomplishments of any impact and only three years' experience in the U.S. Senate with virtually no legislation of impact. He is anti-business, especially anti-small business and would bring fire, rain and misery to the middle class. He would expand the giant dependency class that is bankrupting this nation while punishing those who actually produce the revenue necessary to pay the freeloaders. It's simply balance sheet 101, the type of math neither Barack nor his suspect band of business associates care to practice.

Barack Obama was reared in an exceptionally divisive environment and is closely associated with bombastic religious theory, anti-American rhetoric and extremely shady business practices.

The guy is a decent speaker only with a script, has nothing to offer other than empty platitudes and absolutely no gravitas with regard to navigating the free world through difficult waters ahead.

That any thinking American could even conceive of Barack Hussein (yes, he has a middle name for what it's worth) Obama as President of the United States of America is beyond unthinkable. I look forward to Tony Rezko as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Bill Ayers as Secretary of Defense, Michael Pfleger as Secretary of the Interior, Allison Davis as Secretary of Commerce and Jeremiah Wright at Homeland Security. Go ahead and list George W's unpleasant associates as retort if you wish; the guy has been president for eight years and will be moving back to Crawford in a handful of months.

It's the next four years I'm concerned about, and yes "W" has done enough damage.

It is time America reached beyond our cultural and racial status quo and selected an African American president. I support this concept wholeheartedly. Barack Obama is a societal fluke, the very type of trojan horse flunky that in my dreams would be drummed out of the contest by a functional electoral college - another founding concept the liberals would love to see eliminated from our constitutional framework.

Sorry, Barack. One "God D--- America" from your beloved pastor was enough to make me pass on your vacant accomplishments as qualification for the hallowed presidency of this great nation.

Sadly, the Republicans have crowned John McCain in our time of need. I have serious problems with McCain's brand of faux conservatism, but feel comfortable he would leave the nation largely intact (if overpopulated, totally broke and multi-lingual). We must face our budgets and swelling entitlements head on, and neither candidate is likely to do so.

McCain's strong dislike for pork is entirely fiscally offset by his love for all-things-immigration, so I'm certain a President John McCain would have his own troubles.

George Bush steered us into a concrete wall, totaling the Republican Party in a giant ball of flames. Now we're faced with the prospect of a hard left Euro-Socialist running the show.

Thanks, G.W. This is your fault.

Jason M. Kibby