Your Opinion: October 4, 2011
The Americus Times-Recorder
October 3, 2011

AMERICUS — Rare, good results from legislation

Finally, good results from limited but good legislation. It appears that illegal (by definition criminal) immigrants are pulling their children out of schools in Alabama due to the heightened scrutiny being given them secondary to the passage and implementation of legislation designed to give relief to the overburdened and greatly unappreciated taxpayers of that great State.

There are a few who will bemoan the "tragedy" of disrupting the lives of the children of these illegal (by definition criminal) immigrants. What they should really be taking exception to is the fact that these lawless criminals (the illegal parents) have possibly infected their offspring with a view of the world that includes lying, deception and theft as a means of getting what they want.

I have even heard some suggest that anyone who does not support the take over of this great Country by illegal (by definition criminal) immigrants are somehow not Christian. These people were probably out on a "I hate America and honest, hardworking taxpaying Americans" protest when they taught in Sunday School that someone who does not take care of their own is worse than an infidel. In my estimation, anyone who continues to support the continued thievery of our childrens' economic future via illegal immigration and the absurd birthright citizenship laws should not only be viewed as being worse than an infidel, they should be viewed as traitors to the United States of America.

Thank God that there are those who are waking up and taking common sense measures to protect this Country and the finanical future of our children.

God Bless (what's left of) America!

Robert Kite

Ellaville ... ber-4-2011