They got away with their mexicanization process with California because:

-- Rare few states were going through the same invasion as Californians, and those that were, were too busy ignoring illegal aliens and/or trying to handle the masses. Those that had no illegal aliens - yet - did like Teddy Kennedy (not in my neighborhood).

As an example - Texas.

-- Texans were told by their, then, Governor Bush seemed to be able to ignore the immense cost of illegal aliens to the USA & Texan tax payers - and told his Texans pretty much to be quiet because the mexicans were crossing into Texas to take care of their families (never mentioning that they were stealing American tax dollars in the process of being illegal aliens) - 1) using Texan hospitals as regular doctors, 2) escorting their children to Texas schools, 3) picking up their welfare (YES) and other American tax dollar benefits, etc.