Jun 8, 8:45 PM EDT

Ecuador Building Housing Citibank Bombed


GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador (AP) -- A bomb exploded early Wednesday outside an office building housing a Citibank branch, blowing out windows and causing some damage but no injuries, police said.

The so-called Group of People's Combatants, or GCP by its initials in Spanish, claimed responsibility for the attack. An e-mail sent to The Associated Press, claiming to be from the group, said the blast was in opposition to free trade talks between Ecuador, Peru and Colombia with the United States aimed at opening tariff-free access to U.S. markets.

The 10th round of negotiations are now taking place in this Pacific coast city, the country's banking and financial hub.

In recent years, the GCP, described by authorities as a band of leftist extremists, have exploded several small bombs in Ecuador's main cities.

Sixx says: We are on our way to the airport in about 10 minutes. All Americans have been "advised" to leave. The Ecuadorian Army is escorting us. Will have more when and IF I make it home. Thanks Jorge.
Now we can't even help these poor babies live a better life because of your stupid policies . Has there been any radio or t.v. on this stateside? The buses are here. Gotta go