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  1. #6431
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    Reality Check: Obama Administration Refuses To Tell Judge If NDAA is Being Illegally Enforced?

    Submitted by fonzdrew on Wed, 08/15/2012 - 10:10
    Ron Paul 2012

    Reality Check: Obama Administration Refuses To Tell Judge If NDAA is Being Illegally Enforced? | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

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  2. #6432
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    Passed by a REPUBLICAN Led Congress
    Passed by a Democrat Led Senate
    Signed by a Marxist POTUS
    Approved by RINO Mitt Romney on National T.V.
    There Is NO Change Coming

    Time for the Bonus Question:

    Of the 3 candidates in the race for POTUS;
    Barack Obama, Mitt Romney or Ron Paul

    Which of the 3 will NOT open up the FEMA Camps, Impose Martial Law, Turn the Armed Forces Loose On the American Public, Use 30,000 Drones in American Air Space against it's citizens, Start WWIII by attacking Nation after Nation, while building up the Armed Forces whose budget is already larger than all of the rest of the countries in the world combined while Bankrupting the Country?

    Hint: It won't be the Individual that FOLLOWS the Constitution of the United States

    Last edited by AirborneSapper7; 08-17-2012 at 02:24 AM.
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  3. #6433
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    By: Devvy
    August 15, 2012

    The Internet has been burning up about the "Comeback Team" after Willard Romney announced his VP choice as Paul Ryan. Star of conservatives because of his "leadership" in heralding "smaller government" and Ryan's much touted efforts to solve America's financial crisis. Sounds good - until you read the label.

    The problem with those who think Paul Ryan has solutions is they don't even know the how the problem got started and neither do reporters or journalists who write this type of flashy trash:

    "Ronald Reagan famously challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to “Tear down this wall!” Mitt Romney has just challenged President Obama to “Show us your plan!” Mr. Obama has painted this presidential election as a stark choice; in choosing Paul Ryan as his running mate, GOP contender Mitt Romney has answered in kind. While Reagan pushed Gorbachev to free his country, Romney will now push Mr. Obama to address our nation's fiscal abscess -- something the president has resolutely refused to do.

    "Paul Ryan is the nation's premier budget wonk; he understands better than anyone that the looming fiscal cliff is nothing compared to the chasm that lies further down the road. He has studied the future, and he has a plan. Nothing could be more important. Without a clear program for reducing our deficits, our social safety net will unravel and our investments in our future – in schools, in infrastructure, in defense -- will wither."

    As Dr. Edwin Vieira wrote in one of his scholarly columns in 2005:
    "Contrary to a widespread belief, socialism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe did not collapse because of the clever geostrategic maneuvers of the Reagan Administration. Neither did the East Bloc break up because its leaders were incompetents who put into practice the wrong plans. Particular politicians and policies--East or West--had next to nothing to do with it....

    "Economic theory also teaches that any scheme of fiat currency and fractional-reserve central banking is just as inherently flawed, incapable of permanent existence, and inevitably doomed to disaster as all-around, full-blown socialism, because fractional-reserve central banking systematically subverts the free market's structure of prices through expansion of currency and credit--which results in redistribution of wealth, misallocation of scarce capital, and collapse in either depression or hyperinflation followed by depression.

    This is no new insight. The problems fractional-reserve banking causes were widely discussed in the 1800s; and the whole subject of political versus free-market money was exhaustively examined by Ludwig von Mises, in his treatise The Theory of Money and Credit, first published in the 1920s. (Probably the best book on this subject now available for the average reader is Murray Rothbard's The Mystery of Banking.) But, throughout the Western world during the 1900s and even unto the present moment, the political elite, high finance and big business, and their hired intelligentsiia have generally ignored these problems--doubtlessly because irredeemable currency and fractional-reserve central banking have served their short-term interests, and the costs of the system have always been paid by picking the pockets of the common man."

    Paul Ryan's budget is another Band Aid because he, like Romney, either don't seem to understand the problem with fiat currency or they know where the butter comes from for their bread.

    Both of them are polished salesman and what they're selling you is not in your best interests. Slick PR techniques and the usual buzz words meant to appeal to those who don't understand the problem, but are so desperate for the solution. Paul Ryan did not support Ron Paul's critical bill in 2007 - H.R.2755 - Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act. Not one member of Congress became a cosponsor because they need the unconstitutional "Federal" Reserve candy store to continue their toxic spending for endless wars, unconstitutional cabinets and agencies. That alone should tell you all you need to know about the "Comeback Team."

    Paul Ryan's budget does not eliminate a single unconstitutional cabinet (Department of Education, EPA, HHS, SBA and hundreds of agencies like USAID), illegal spending for foreign aid, payments to the International Monetary Fund and other foreign entanglements.

    "Smaller government" is nothing but a slogan to keep the party's base and entice independents who are so desperate, they will support their own destruction. As the great military tactician, Sun Tzu said: You destroy your enemy while making them think it's a good idea. Paul Ryan's budget fits the bill perfectly.

    I'm sorry to say that conservatives who support the "comeback team" are supporting the continued destruction of this republic.

    Please, before you send off that nasty email, I know exactly what you're going to write: Do you want Obama reelected? Of course not. Barry Soetoro aka Obama was not eligible in 2008, therefore no one had the right to vote for him. The same massive con job is alive and well today. Soetoro still isn't constitutionally eligible and no one has the right to vote for him. Due to the utter cowardice of every member of Congress, judges and elected officials, one of the greatest fraud in our history will continue and Hussein will be on the ballot. I know Ron Paul's faithful supporters are still working to see him shock the world and get the nomination for the Republican Party at their convention later this month.

    I simply believe people should read the label before they buy the product so they aren't disappointed down the line. Start putting their time and efforts at the state level instead of going back to sleep hoping Romney and Ryan will somehow pull off a miracle regarding our dead economy and what's coming at us like a high speed train.

    Let's examine Paul Ryan's voting record. I'll start with his consistent votes to destroy the Bill of Rights:

    Voted to create the Department of (Fatherland) Homeland Security which includes the TSA molestation administration. Last December he voted for the National Defense Authorization Act, one I misjudged as not so dangerous, but later learned is no different than the old Soviet Union with their gulags. Ryan voted against an amendment to remove the provisions that allows for American citizens to be picked up on U.S. soil and held indefinitely without charges being filed.

    Voted YES on extending the PATRIOT Act's roving wiretaps
    Voted NO on requiring FISA warrants for wiretaps in US, but not abroad
    Voted YES on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant
    Voted YES on continuing intelligence gathering without civil oversight
    Voted YES on federalizing rules for driver licenses to hinder terrorists

    Ryan's reputation as someone who is gung ho for "smaller government" is shattered by his voting record:
    Voted YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending
    Voted YES on the TARP bailouts
    Voted YES on $15B bailout for GM and Chrysler

    Watch TARP Republican Paul Ryan Begging Congress To Vote For The Bailout (short video)

    Voted YES on providing $70 million for Section 8 Housing vouchers
    Voted YES on extending unemployment benefits from 39 weeks to 59 weeks
    Voted YES on Head Start Act

    Every one of those is 100% unconstitutional.

    Congress had ZERO constitutional authority to steal the fruits of our labor for any of them. Paul Ryan wouldn't know what the U.S. Constitution says if James Madison stood in front of him and read it word for word.

    Ryan voted for the No Child Left Behind failure. Another unconstitutional program stealing the fruits of your labor. The "Federal" Department of Education is unconstitutional, but I don't see Ryan calling to abolish it and turn education back to the states where it constitutionally belongs.

    Another globalist who has voted for every job killing treaty since he's been in Congress. Rock star Ryan supports the communist United Nations with the sweat of your labor.

    Supports the vile World Trade Organization
    Voted YES on promoting free trade with Peru
    Voted YES on implementing CAFTA, Central America Free Trade
    Voted YES on implementing US-Australia Free Trade Agreement
    Voted YES on implementing US-Singapore free trade agreement
    Voted YES on implementing free trade agreement with Chile
    Voted NO on withdrawing from the WTO

    He voted NO on reporting illegal aliens who receive hospital treatment.

    Hospitals and schools are magnets for illegals who steal the fruits of our labor, yet Ryan wants to protect them. The same illegals who hold an estimated 11.5 MILLION jobs that belong to Americans.

    To his credit, Paul Ryan, has always voted to protect unborn babies.

    We know Romney was in favor of and supported killing unborn babies until he decided to run for president.

    Romney supports sodomy (think AIDS) and all the "lavender" diseases sodomites suffer from and spread around. Romney says sexual deviants should be allowed in the Boy Scouts -a prime target rich environment for sexual deviants to prey upon. It appears Ryan does not support the propaganda about "gay rights".

    Like Romney, Paul Ryan is a firm supporter of America invading non threatening countries and punishing their populations. War is business and business has boomed for over a decade thanks to "conservatives" like Paul Ryan:

    Voted NO on removing US armed forces from Afghanistan
    Voted NO on investigating Bush impeachment for lying about Iraq
    Voted NO on redeploying US troops out of Iraq starting in 90 days
    Voted YES on declaring Iraq part of War on Terror with no exit date
    Voted YES on approving removal of Saddam & valiant service of US troops
    Voted YES on authorizing military force in Iraq
    Strengthen sanctions on Syria & assist democratic transition
    No contact & enforce sanctions on Iran until threat is gone
    Boycott & sanctions against Iran for terrorism & nukes

    You can read his full voting record here.

    So, what do we do? The Internet is full of opinions that everyone should stay at home and not vote. Boycott the election in November!!!

    Putting side the presidential slot, there are other offices on the ballot in November that directly affect you at the local level. Candidates for your state house (very important), local ballot measures, bond measures and sometimes constitutional amendments to your state constitution. Staying home and not voting hurts you and your family, so get out and vote.

    As for the presidential race, unless there some miracle happens, Soetoro will be illegally on the ballot in all 50 states. Of course, you can write in Mickey Mouse. You can write in Ron Paul. That's your choice, but think long and hard about this time around. I have and the whole thing turns my stomach.

    I know there is huge opposition to Romney because he is a Mormon, which many Christians believe is a cult. Religion evokes some of the most heated debates in America.

    Everyone has an opinion. I know people of the Mormon faith who I like and respect. We get along just fine even though I don't support their choice. It's called religious freedom, one of the most important freedoms we enjoy. Many people have never done any research on Mormonism; you can go to their web site here. An opposing view is here; an interview with a former Mormon is here.

    I don't know which religion gets the most hate mail in my email box, Mormons, Catholics or people of the Jewish faith. Paul Ryan is Roman Catholic. He's married with three children, and like Romney (thankfully), there doesn't appear to be any Monica Lewinsky's or other messy things Soetoro's minions can make big headlines with over the next few months.

    The big PR machine is in full swing with headlines like "Ryan energizes GOP base." Only for those who have no understanding of how the problem with "big spending" started, how it was made possible or the only solution. Desperate people who want to hope the cure for America's economic problems will be addressed by Willard and Paul. No, they won't. It will be more Band Aids because the solutions are never even mentioned.

    Hope is fine. We all hope things are going to get better in the future, but not with the same Outlaw Congress getting reelected this November (except for maybe a few seats in the Senate) and not with the "comeback team." Our major focus has to be the states to checkmate the tyranny coming out of Washington, DC and dry up "federal" programs by refusing money thrown at your state house. In January we have to lean on our state legislatures like a one ton elephant.

    You can vote for the "comeback team," but don't expect anything to change except the deck chairs on the Titanic.

    In November, tens of millions of GOP voters will hold their nose and vote for what's offered them because there is no choice. Again. I guess the only way to take the bitter medicine is this: A vote for Willard Romney is a vote against the Marxist impostor president. You're not voting to support Romney or Paul Ryan's sales pitch, you're voting to keep the usurper out of office for a second illegal term.

    Of course, with rampant vote fraud, we have no idea who has been getting lawfully elected for decades, either for president or Congress. It will be no different this time around. Illegals, tainted voting rolls and electronic machines and scanners will be a major part of the "final count."
    Not a pretty picture, but the same one conservatives box themselves into every four years.


    A short must watch video on Romney so you won't be disappointed
    2- Read this column. Pass it along to everyone you know. The internal links are so important in understanding the problem with fiat currency
    3- RomneyCare now funding FREE abortions - thanks to Willard
    4- Romney would sell his soul for a vote. That's why he panders to sexual deviants.
    5- Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saint Movement - con man?
    6- Joseph Smith's arrest records
    7- Joseph Smith's NY arrest records

    Devvy Kidd authored the book lets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty; 2 million copies sold. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country. She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy isn't left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party. Devvy's regularly posted new columns are on her site at: You can also sign up for her free email alerts.

    E-mail is:

    Devvy Kidd -- Paul Ryan: Read the Warning Label
    Last edited by AirborneSapper7; 08-15-2012 at 03:21 PM.
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  4. #6434
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    Dear xxxxxxxx,

    The Republican National Convention is rapidly approaching.

    And my staff and legal team have been feverishly working to prepare for the credentials’ battle and platform fights we expect to have in Tampa.

    Of course, we’re working very hard to achieve our goals in Tampa.

    But as you’ve heard me say many times, we must also make sure to have some fun in the process.

    So today, I wanted to let you know about some of the fun and exciting events we have planned for Tampa.

    1) We are the Future Rally

    The first event we have planned is our“We are the Future Rally” taking place on Sunday, August 26, at the Sun Dome in Tampa from 12:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.

    At the rally, we will celebrate our liberty movement’s success at influencing and changing the direction of the Republican Party.

    Doug Wead, Congressman Justin Amash, Barry Goldwater, Jr., Jack Hunter, and my son, Senator Rand Paul, will speak at the Rally.

    We’ll also hear from some of our new leaders for the future, like State Senator Tom Davis in South Carolina and 21-year-old National Committeewoman Ashley Ryan from Maine.

    As for entertainment, Jimmie Vaughan, Aimee Allen, Jordan Page, and John Popper of Blues Traveler with Ron Noyes will also provide live entertainment.

    And to cap it all off, I’ll be delivering the speech the Republican National Convention doesn’t want the rest of America to hear.

    After the rally, my delegates and alternates will be riding chartered buses to the RNC Welcome Reception at Tropicana Field.

    This is our opportunity to show that we are the future of the Republican Party, so I’m asking all of my supporters who aren’t delegates and alternates to line the route with signs so our delegates can make a grand entrance.

    2) Liberty Rocks After Party at Ferg’s Sports Bar and Grill

    From 8:30 p.m. until 1 a.m. on Sunday, we’ll be hosting an after party and celebration at Ferg’s Sports Bar and Grill.

    Aimee Allen, Jimmie Vaughan, and John Popper have been nice enough to agree to provide entertainment at this event, as well.

    The Liberty Rocks After Party is open to everyone– not just delegates and alternates - so please come join us for a fun time Sunday night.

    Michael, Tampa is going to be a very fun and exciting time.

    You and I are going to plant our liberty flag in the Republican Party and prove once and for all that WE are the future of the GOP.

    But we’re also going to have a lot of fun and celebrate the success of my campaign to Restore America NOW.

    That’s why I hope you’ll do everything possible to get down to Tampa and celebrate liberty with me and thousands of our campaign's supporters.

    But tickets are going fast, and space is limited.

    So if you haven’t yet registered for the “We are the Future Rally,” it’s vital you do so now. You can register by clicking HERE.

    I hope to see you in Tampa for a fun and exciting time!

    For Liberty,

    Ron Paul

    P.S. The Republican National Convention is going to be a time for work, but it’s also going to be a lot of fun!

    Even if you can’t make it, I hope you’ll agree to chip in a generous contribution to help ensure all my delegates are able to get to Tampa!

    Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee
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  5. #6435
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    In Case You Missed It: National Political Pundit Affirms Ron Paul Is Here to Stay

    Independent Ron Paul admirer Juan Williams today concludes, ‘We will be living in the age of Ron Paul for many years to come.’

    – Juan Williams, an independent national political pundit whose on-air free speech once got him fired, is known to be a Ron Paul admirer. In The Hill today, Mr. Williams affirms his longstanding “we are living in the political age of Ron Paul” belief with a compelling follow-up piece to earlier writings and interviews concerning the 12-term Congressman from Texas.

    Opinion: We live in the age of Ron Paul

    By Juan Williams
    The Hill ‘Opinion’

    Last year in this column I wrote: “If you have not been paying attention, it is time to look around and realize that we are living in the political age of Rep. Ron Paul.”

    The first section of the Wikipedia page entry for the Tea Party Movement even quotes a sentence from that column, where I argued the Tea Party dynamic that won the House majority for the GOP in 2010 “grew largely out of the ashes of (Paul’s) 2008 presidential campaign” by emphasizing “limited government and a return to constitutional principles.”

    Now, the 76-year-old Texan is retiring at the end of this Congress after 12 terms in the House of Representatives.

    During his latest run for the Republican presidential nomination, Paul tangled with Mitt Romney, particularly over civil liberties.

    But unlike other candidates, he did not attack Romney harshly.

    Paul and Romney remain friendly but Paul was never on the short list – or any other list – of people who were considered as Romney’s running mate.
    Just last month, well after Romney had wrapped up enough delegates to win the Republican race, Paul continued to try to get enough unpledged GOP delegates to commit to vote for him so he could get his own name placed in nomination.

    The idea was to give him a moment of national recognition at the Tampa convention and assure him one final platform before a national audience.
    But the effort failed.

    Now he will leave the national political scene quietly, although he probably had a hand in getting a coveted convention speech slot for his son, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky).

    Sen. Paul may give his dad a final shout out from the podium .

    Ron Paul deserves more.

    In presidential debates, and until his last days in Congress, Paul has continued to stir revolution in the Republican Party by fighting the GOP establishment…

    For the full piece in The Hill, please click here.

    In Case You Missed It: National Political Pundit Affirms Ron Paul Is Here to Stay*|*Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign CommitteeRon Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee
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  6. #6436
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    "GOP Super Pac Has Not Released Campaign Funds Just In Case Ron Paul Wins Nomination"

    Submitted by
    Barracuda_Trader on Wed, 08/15/2012 - 08:33
    Daily Paul Liberty Forum

    All fascinating, but pay special attention from 3:50 on!

    TMOT enourages viewers to get info at Daily Paul at 8:45.

    "GOP Super Pac Has Not Released Campaign Funds Just In Case Ron Paul Wins Nomination" | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

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  7. #6437
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    Pastor Calls on Christians to Vote for Ron Paul as America`s Christian President

    Submitted by telepathic on Wed, 08/15/2012 - 15:1
    Ron Paul 2012

    Pastor Steven Andrew teaches God`s plans from the Holy Bible. He wants Americans to be blessed by God, not judged for sin. He says, "God calls the USA to have a Christian government.

    That is why Christians must call for Christian front runner Ron Paul to be President. Christians knowingly sin by helping Mormon Mitt Romney and Barack Obama who oppose God. Disobeying God means Americans suffer (Deuteronomy 28:15-63)."


    "If Americans draw near to God with Ron Paul, then God will draw near to us. President Ron Paul means the Holy Spirit and God`s wisdom in the White House," he says. Paul beat Obama in polling and Romney didn`t (Rasmussen Reports, April).

    Continue Reading:

    Pastor Calls on Christians to Vote for Ron Paul as America`s Christian President | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

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  8. #6438
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    ROFLOL! GOP calls itself the "party of the open door, of liberty, equality, and opportunity..."

    Submitted by Allegory on Wed, 08/15/2012 - 23:01
    Politics, General + Law(s)
    DP Original

    That is, unless your name is Ron Paul, or you are a Ron Paul supporter, apparently.

    Seriously - that is what it says in the GOP Rules.

    Thanks James_Madison_Lives for originally pointing out the rulebook and to freddiel for actually taking the time to read and find this, right in the preamble.

    BE IT RESOLVED, That the Republican Party is the party of the open door. Ours is the party of liberty, the party of equality, of opportunity for all, and favoritism for none.

    It is the intent and purpose of these rules to encourage and allow the broadest possible participation of all voters in Republican Party activities at all levels and to assure that the Republican Party is open and accessible to all Americans.
    And thanks GOP for being all around swell guys and really making us Ron Paul supporters feel welcome in your party. NOT!

    ROFLOL! GOP calls itself the "party of the open door, of liberty, equality, and opportunity..." | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

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  9. #6439
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    And believe me, we will not sit idly by and watch the establishment run roughshod over Ron Paul’s supporters who were illegally

    Submitted by pantherx2 on Wed, 08/15/2012 - 21:4
    Ron Paul 2012

    Dear Tommy,

    The credentials fight you and I were expecting to have in Tampa has already started.

    The Committee on Contests recently issued a ruling on the establishment’s challenge to Ron Paul’s delegates and alternates who were duly elected in Maine, and on our challenges to the outright cheating that occurred in Louisiana, Massachusetts, and Oregon (alternates only).

    Despite Ron Paul’s supporters being so clearly in the right in these four states, the establishment is so far refusing to rule fairly and seat our duly elected delegates and/or alternates.

    Here’s a brief summary of the bogus challenge made by the GOP establishment against us in Maine, as well as our challenges to the cheating that occurred elsewhere:

    *** In Maine, where Ron Paul supporters held a clear majority at the State Convention, the establishment is attempting to unseat the state’s duly elected delegates and alternates – acting like sore losers in the process. The challenge to our delegates in Maine is so bogus that Republican Governor Paul LePage – who is one of the few delegates not being challenged by the establishment – has declared he will not attend the Republican National Convention unless Ron Paul's delegates and alternates who were duly elected are seated;

    *** In Louisiana, establishment “big wigs” used threats, intimidation, and force – literally smashing the bones of one gentleman – to shut out Ron Paul supporters who had a clear majority at the State Convention;

    *** In Oregon, the State Chairman blatantly ignored the votes of the Convention, taking it upon himself to replace the duly elected alternate delegates with an “appointed” slate chocked-full of establishment cronies;

    *** In Mitt Romney’s home state of Massachusetts, corrupt Party officials changed the rules after the game was over – kicking out Ron Paul’s duly elected delegates and alternates and replacing them with their hand-picked cronies.

    As you can see, the Old Guard establishment doesn’t care about cheating, lying, abuse of process, and high-handedness in our Party.

    All they seem to care about is maintaining their iron grip over the Republican Party.

    But Ron Paul’s number-one goal for the RNC is making sure his delegates and alternates who deserve to be seated in Tampa are credentialed.
    So if the establishment wants a fight in Tampa, rest assured we’re going to give them one.

    Currently, our campaign lawyers and staff are furiously working to analyze and craft the appropriate response to the Committee’s rulings, and we’ll be sure to keep you informed as we move forward in the process.

    And believe me, we will not sit idly by and watch the establishment run roughshod over Ron Paul’s supporters who were illegally railroaded by the GOP.

    We will stand up and fight for all of Ron Paul’s delegates and/or alternates in these four states – and we will not back down.

    Of course, one would think the Romney campaign would want these conflicts resolved so they didn’t become major issues at the Convention.
    But so far they’ve sat idly by on the sidelines.

    Hopefully they’ll change their do-nothing approach once they realize we’re serious about going all-out to win these credentials battles.

    And remember, nearly 90 major media outlets have already reserved a spot at our “We are the Future Rally.”

    So if the GOP goes through with these bogus challenges, they won’t be able to hide behind their iron curtain. They will be exposed by the press.
    The good news is, the Committee on Contests’ ruling is not the final word in this fight.

    The battle will be decided by the Credentials Committee in Tampa – where we are very organized and prepared to take action.

    As the battle rages on over the next two weeks, I’ll be sure to keep you updated on our progress and any new developments that occur along the way.

    I hope to see you in Tampa.

    For Liberty,
    John Tate
    Campaign Manager

    And believe me, we will not sit idly by and watch the establishment run roughshod over Ron Paul

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  10. #6440
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    AZ Gov. Jan Brewer Defies Obama Administration Once Again

    Submitted by JCole on Wed, 08/15/2012 - 21:30
    Politics, General + Law(s)

    Deferred illegals will not receive public benefits.

    PHOENIX (AP) - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has signed an executive order directing state agencies to deny driver's licenses and other public benefits to young illegal immigrants who obtain work authorizations under a new Obama administration program.

    Brewer's order issued Wednesday says she's reaffirming the intent of current Arizona law denying taxpayer-funded public benefits and state identification to illegal immigrants.


    Woooo Hooooo Go Jan Go!!!!
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