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Thread: The Truth Behind San Jose and Trump

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    Senior Member nomas's Avatar
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    The Truth Behind San Jose and Trump

    By far the best article I've read

    The Truth Behind San Jose and Trump

    Earlier in the election cycle, whenever you happened to turn on your television, flip through the channels, land on CNN, MSNBC, or one of the many mainstream media news outlets, you could be sure to hear one of the following things. “What can Donald Trump do to prevent these violent acts from continuing to occur at all of his rallies?”, CNN’s Jeffery Lord might have heard. “How can you endorse a man for president who condones violence and creates an environment that creates such division and allows these heinous acts to occur?”, or after the Chicago protest that shutdown Trump’s right to freedom of speech, “If he can’t even run rallies without violence and protest, how can he possibly lead a unified country?”

    Pictured: Donald Trump being interviewed by Don Lemon in the aftermath of Trump’s scheduled Chicago rally, where Anti Trump protestors forced Mr. Trump to cancel his rally and shut down his right to freedom of speech. Lemon was very critical of Trump, questioning if he can’t even hold a peaceful rally, how could he possibly run our country? (
    What would you never hear? The Trump supporters side regarding what really goes down at these Donald Trump rallies and protests. Why? Because it wouldn’t have fit the “Donald Trump and his supporters are hate-filled, violent racists” narrative that the mainstream media has been trying so hard to shove down everyone’s throat. You see- the media only holds Trump’s side accountable. If there were ever instances of Anti-Trump protestors ignorantly shouting obscenities, lighting the American flag on fire or even getting physical with Trump supporters, it was ALWAYS because of something the Trump Supporters had done. Never, ever are the anti-Trump protestors held accountable by the media, because it would help humanize Trump’s supporters and paint them in a different light, something the Mainstream Media simply can’t allow.

    Things got so out of hand last night in San Jose, CA- that these anti-Trump protestors were mistakingly swinging at those they believed were Trump supporters but were indeed there for the same “cause”. (Source-
    Last night in San Jose, CA, things were no different, as Donald Trump held a rally earlier in the evening at the San Jose convention center, with the California primary coming up in less than a week. As always, the rally was attended by thousands of loyal Trump supporters who were there simply to see their man. There were also hundreds, if not thousands, of anti-Trump protestors there to voice their displeasure with what Trump and his supporters stand for (that is the most mainstream media way I can spin it)… a common occurrence.

    Pictured: A blue Donald Trump “Make America Great Again” hat is burned by group of anti-Trump protesters.
    Let me just state this before continuing – not all Donald Trump supporters are good people, and not all anti-Trump protesters are bad people, as this line of thinking simply isn’t rational (although the MSM sure want’s you to believe all Trump supporters are violent racists, while Anti-Trump protestors are “victims”). That being said, I can confidently tell you how these events usually go down since I’ve attended them myself. At least 90 percent of Trump’s supporters are there to see Donald speak, simply because he is the man they support and they want to hear what he has to say. They usually have to wait in long lines because these events have become so popular, but it doesn’t bother them in the slightest knowing they are about to see the man who has inspired them speak in person. These supporters would wait in line during a blizzard or hurricane- it simply wouldn’t matter as their loyalty towards Mr. Trump far outweighs heavy weather or frigid temperatures. There is a very strong feeling of camaraderie and unity at these Trump rallies, a sense of togetherness forged by one common bond – their love for Mr. Trump and their desire to see this country become great again. Despite what the media would like you to believe, the only colors Trump supporters see are red, white and blue.

    Pictured: Donald Trump waving to his loyal supporters during a Trump rally earlier this year. Trump Supporters often feel united at these events, as the love they share for Mr. Trump and his desire to make this country great again are shared by all Rally attendees. The vast majority of Trump supporters are there simply to see their man speak, out of their love for the colors red, white and blue.
    The supporters who aren’t able to get into the event, will often engage these “protestors”, attempting to hold rational discussions with the anti-Trump protestors explaining why they believe Trump is the best choice for president. They generally attempt to remain open minded while presenting the detractors with clear and concise facts. What often comes from the other side is loud shouting, character attacks, lazy generalizations (Donald Trump’s a racist and so are you!) and no desire to be open minded about what the other person has to say. These anti-Trump protestors have made up their minds and have zero desire to be rational. Anytime I hear someone from the mainstream media start a story with “Anti Trump protestors were at a Donald Trump rally earlier this evening to see what Donald Trump had to say” I roll my eyes in disbelief and sarcastically chuckle. Let me make one thing very clear- the vast majority of anti-Trump protestors have zero interest in hearing what Trump supporters have to say. They are simply there to make a scene, act ignorantly, and create chaos… sometimes even engaging in violent behavior.

    Pictured: Doesn’t seem to be much reasonable discourse coming from the anti-Trump protesters here, as a gang of them attempt to chase down young Trump supporter wearing red Trump shirt.

    Last night the Anti Trump protesters began to square off with those that were there for Mr. Trump around 7:30 PM west coast time outside the San Jose convention center. You can be certain, there were tons of Trump supporters minding their own business, not taking part in the ignorant behavior exhibited by the left. You can also be sure that all of the reasonable discourse between the Trump supporters and protestors was limited to the supporters side. The narrative however, will be that scuffles broke out between the two, that disagreements were had, and the antagonizing and physical behavior took place on both sides of the aisle. If any physical displays of behavior did take place from those who opposed Mr. Trump, it was because the Trump supporters engaged in behavior that prompted it- a common and false argument the media consistently perpetuates. However, the real story, the truthful one of the night- is the ferocity with which anti-Trump protestors attacked Trump supporters, something that isn’t as uncommon as many would like you to believe. Last night, maybe more than any night before it, showed that we’ve allowed things to go too far… and the scene in San Jose was one that allowed the general electorate to finally see the truth for what it really is. Perhaps last night’s lawless and aggressive actions went too far… even for the media.

    Young Trump supporter takes selfie in car in the aftermath of being assaulted by mobs of anti-Trump protestors. The young man had his sign ripped from him, before having a large group of protestors brutally assault him.

    On their way out from the convention center after seeing Mr. Trump speak, there were hundreds of anti-Trump protestors ready for his supporters like a swarm of bees or a pack of wolves preparing for their pray. Several Trump supporters were harassed by the “tolerant left” on the way back to their cars, having water bottles thrown at them, being spit on, having their cars smashed and being huddled around- just for having attended the Trump rally. One Trump supporter was blindsided from behind with a huge bag of rocks while harmlessly walking down the sidewalk and keeping to himself. A Trump supporter wearing a green shirt and khaki shorts minding his own business, was stalked by a group of obscenity shouting anti-Trump protestors, before one of them cowardly knocked him on the side of the head with a bag of rocks, making the Trump supporter bleed profusely. Yes, this happened. The Trump supporter, seemingly shocked, turned around while feeling the side of his head with his hand, before realizing what had just happened. A few moments later he was asked by the media with his blood stained green polo shirt visible, what had just happened, “You didn’t say anything to anybody?” the man asked the Trump victim. “No, I was walking out with a Trump sign and the guy grabbed my Trump sign and started following me, saying that I was a racist and stuff”. Isn’t it amazing how the Trump supporters are always asked first if they did anything? A person who was just unjustifiably smashed over the side of the head with a bag of rocks was asked if he did anything to evoke such violence, as if it weren’t possible that someone who opposes Trump could engage in such behavior (unless provoked). Do you honestly believe that’s how it would play out if the roles were reversed? Of course not, because a Trump supporter that might take part in any physical altercation would only do so because he/she is an intolerant racist… certainly not because anyone caused it.

    Trump Supporter bleeding profusely bleeding while speaking with police officer after being blindsided upside the head by protestor holding a bag of heavy rocks. You can see the full video below. (Source- Breitbart)
    (Source: Tim Pool- Youtube)
    Then there was the female Trump supporter rocking her Trump jersey being met by hundreds of nonsensical screaming protesters, threatening her before assaulting her with a barrage of eggs. After taking the final shot that clearly caused her distress, protestors could be seen waving Mexican flags while screaming obscenities less than an inch from her face. They then started shouting “F__k Donald Trump” continuously at the woman, who appeared to be in great pain. Impressive stuff guys- hundreds of mostly male protestors assaulting a female. Such strength and restraint, and definitely the character traits of those who know what is best for this country.

    Female Trump supporter in clear pain and distress after being ambushed by hundreds of mostly male anti-Trump protestors who “heroically” assaulted her with a barrage of eggs. You can see the full video below. (Source-
    (Source: TrendingNowz- Youtube)

    Those who were lucky enough to get to their cars unharmed were surrounded by protestors, who blocked them from being able to leave, threatened them with profanities and smashed their cars.

    Pictured: Trump Supporters being surrounded and threatened by anti-Trump protesters, while attempting to leave the Trump rally in a parking lot outside of San Jose Convention Center.
    Anti-Trump protestors blocking the road and causing chaos outside of the Trump rally. Police officers had trouble getting control of the situation last night, perhaps in large part due to the orders given by the San Jose Mayor. (Source- scene got so bad last night that the police lost control of the situation, as protestors blocked a number of police vans, disobeyed orders, and forced the officers to usher out the Trump supporters as a way of protecting them from any potential harm.

    Anti-Trump protestor shouting at members of the San Jose police department. Cops had to deal with the violent, disobedient bunch while taking orders from San Jose Mayor, Sam Liccardo, who ordered them to stand down for the night- ultimately leading the Police department to lose control of the situation. (Source-
    Dozens of Trump supporters were physically assaulted and punched throughout the night, reminding us once again that perhaps the left really isn’t so tolerant and open minded after all.

    Pictured: A police officer helps a Trump supporter who was attacked by protestors moments before. Perhaps it’s the side opposing Trump, that is interested in taking part in the violent behavior at the these events. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)(Source: The Donald – Youtube)

    Tonight in San Jose, CA was possibly the worst display we’ve seen from these “peaceful” anti-Trump protestors yet. I can’t say I’m exactly surprised considering the fact that the mayor of San Jose and avid Hillary Clinton supporter Sam Liccardo stated, “At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign” while speaking over the phone in the aftermath of last night’s disgusting display by forces opposing Trump. You read that correctly- the man that runs the city of San Jose shifted all blame and responsibility from his reckless residents to Donald Trump and his supporters. No Mr. Mayor, it couldn’t conceivably be possible that the anti-Trump protestors were at fault for their actions and the resulting violence. That would require taking responsibility- something that is foreign to anti-Trump protestors and the presidential candidate you support.

    Pictured: San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, who blamed Donald Trump and his supporters for the chaos that took place last night in his city. Way to take responsibility Sam. (Source-
    It’s Donald Trump’s fault for telling the truth about the problem that is illegal immigration in this country. It’s Donald Trump’s fault for wanting to put the best interests of the American people first. How irresponsible of Mr. Trump to do what he believes is best for the the people he ultimately want’s to serve and protect. I wish Donald was more like you Mr. Mayor, refusing to take responsibility for the disgusting actions of one’s residents while sweeping a real issue under the rug, all in the name of political correctness, and shifting blame from the real issue here… the issue Donald Trump has boldly taken on from day one of his campaign. You don’t think tonight had to do with the elephant in the room, do you Mr. Mayor? Perhaps there’s a very specific issue you need to take responsibility for. Perhaps Mr. Trump’s stance on illegal immigration hurts your agenda, and that is your real issue with him. What if I told you I knew of some very interesting statistics about the city of San Jose which spoke to the real reason behind last nights heinous actions and your beyond ignorant response to the situation. You don’t think maybe the real reason your residents took part in such deplorable behavior was because they knew a Donald Trump presidency would mean for some that their “free rides” were over? Here are some interesting figures to consider which might explain the real reason San Jose takes such exception to Mr. Trump.

    Pictured : Trump protestors climbing on top of Trump supporters car while waving Mexican flag. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
    Over one out of every three San Jose/Santa Clara (San Jose’s neighboring city) residents are immigrants, and approximately 50 percent of those immigrants are illegal immigrants. San Jose and Santa Clara have a higher immigrant percentage than either New York City and Los Angeles. Of the immigrants born outside the country in these two cities, 41.5 percent have earned less than a high school degree, and only 17 percent attended any college. Of those immigrants, only 9 percent speak English, the most common language being Spanish at 41 percent. The total immigrant population of the two cities is over 38 percent of the total population, with 49 percent of those being illegal immigrants. One out of every three San Jose residents, are of Mexican or Latino decent, with approximately thirty percent of those being Mexican, next closest being Salvadoran at 0.7 percent.

    Pictured: Trump protestor proudly walking around with sign saying “Trump this is Mexico! You are not welcome on Native/Mexican soil”. Perhaps no picture symbolizes the lack of respect many of the immigrants currently living in much of the country have for the United States of America. (Source- Breitbart)
    Ah it all makes sense now- Mr. Trump has recognized a real issue within this country- one in which illegal immigrants are crossing our border every day (often smuggling drugs) at an excessive rate, while being rewarded with free handouts from our government whose been gifting them grants, loans, public housing, disability and food stamps, while real Americans who respect our country are struggling to get by every single day. Did you know that three out of every four “residents” in our country, responsible for federal drug crimes are illegal immigrants Mr. Liccardo? Mr. Trump recognizes this issue and knows the damage it’s causing, while you choose to sweep it under the rug. These illegal immigrants know how good they currently have it, giving them zero incentive to become real Americans and embrace this great nation of freedom and opportunity. You wouldn’t say theres a conflict of interest here, and perhaps this is the reason your hateful residents acted the way in which they did last night would you? You don’t think this is the reason every single physical altercation involving a protestor and supporter could be seen with Mexican flags waving in the background? We know that you’re a politician from the left, so it is far easier to shift the blame to Donald Trump for telling the truth on immigration than it is to accept responsibility for the environment you’ve created- it’s what your fellow Democratic politicians and media pundits have been doing for months. Is this why you ordered your police department to stand down last night- perhaps given these statistics you knew things could get a little rowdy, but didn’t want to paint the impression your residents were a violent, hateful, regressive bunch? You knew this would make Trump and his supporters look like real victims (which they are) which would humanize them and and we can’t have that. God forbid we tell the truth about Trump and his supporters.

    Anti- Trump protestors proudly burning Trump sign while waving Mexican flags around. Perhaps the real reason they have such strong animosity towards Mr. Trump is because he is exposing their lack of love and respect for their own country, and they know many of their free rides will soon be coming to an end. (Source-Breitbart)
    Did you perhaps consider the behavior conducted by your ignorant residents actually helped Mr. Trump and proved his point? I wouldn’t expect you to actually think this through though, considering you seem to share the one trait that so many politicians have- a total lack of self awareness and understanding of what Donald Trump is doing for this nation. After all, we really couldn’t have expected much more from an illegal immigrant loving, Hillary Clinton endorsing mayor.
    Last edited by nomas; 06-05-2016 at 04:30 AM. Reason: forgot to put in link.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    There should be city ordinances against setting fires.
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
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  3. #3
    Senior Member southBronx's Avatar
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    who the mayor of this city ? they all should,be in jail

  4. #4
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    San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, who blamed Donald Trump and his supporters for the chaos that took place last night in his city. Way to take responsibility Sam. (Source-
    What a weak and pathetic person. All of those skumbags that assaulted Trump supporters (filmed by the way) should all be sought, found and charges brought against them.

    Operation deport all illegal immigrants should start in San Jose. Seems to be plenty of them there who have no interest in American values.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by southBronx View Post
    who the mayor of this city ? they all should,be in jail
    Well, this is who he is according to wiki:


    One of five children to Salvador and Laura Liccardo, Sam Liccardo grew up in Saratoga, California and graduated from Bellarmine College Prep.[2] In 1991, he graduated magna cum laude from Georgetown University, and subsequently enrolled in graduate studies at Harvard University. In 1996, Sam graduated from Harvard Law School with honors, and also earned a master's degree in public policy from Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, before returning to the Bay Area.

    After working in a private law firm, Liccardo became a federal criminal prosecutor at the United States Attorney’s Office, and then handled dozens of felony trials in the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office. There, he primarily prosecuted sexual assault and child exploitation crimes.

    Licardo is married to Jessica Garcia-Kohl (above), a non-profit education consultant. They live east of Downtown in Northside, located near the neighborhood grocery store that his grandparents operated decades ago. His maternal ancestors were among the first Mexican settlers in the Bay Area, and his maternal grandmother emigrated from Ireland.

    So it sounds like the Mexican influence in his family on his father's side has somehow caused him to be supportive of illegal aliens. Either that or he's just an idiot Democrat Globalist who believes in Open Borders and never met an illegal alien he didn't want to help at the expense of an American Worker.

    Personally, I think he insults his Mexican grandparents who I seriously doubt would support his actions or his beliefs. Most Mexican Americans do not support illegal immigration, illegal aliens, Sanctuary Cities, or any of this other Globalist nonsense. Most Mexican Americans view immigration laws the same way we do. They want our laws enforced to protect our jobs, wages, money supply, economy, civil rights and political system.

    Shame on you, Sam Liccardo. Shame, Shame, Shame on You.
    Last edited by Judy; 06-05-2016 at 08:03 AM.
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
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  6. #6
    Senior Member European Knight's Avatar
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    More Trump rally clashes caught on camera: Anti-Donald supporter is caught on camera chasing a white Trump supporter and tackling him to the ground at San Jose rally

    Man with Twitter handle 'Houdini' claims he's the person who was seen tackling a Trump supporter

    Alleged Black Supremacist'Houdini' posted a video and tweeted about him chasing and tackling the young man at the San Jose rally

    The incident happened as anti-Trump demonstrators attacked his supporters Thursday night in ugly street brawls

    They were targeted and subjected to violence as they left rally and police were forced to try and break them up

    The protest led to six arrests and the assault of one police officer

    Also on Thursday, Trump slammed the judge presiding over his Trump University case

    He said Gonzalo Curiel's Mexican heritage would be an 'absolute conflict'

    Candidate said he should be removed, even though he was born in Indiana

    By DAILYMAIL.COM REPORTER PUBLISHED: 20:03 GMT, 4 June 2016 | UPDATED: 10:31 GMT, 5 June 2016

    An alleged black supremacist man chased a white Donald Trump supporter and tackled him to the ground at the Republican candidate's San Jose rally Thursday.

    The Twitter user with the handle 'Houdini' @sizzle_seyf claims to be the person who was seen on video chasing and tackling a young white male Trump supporter.

    'Houdini', who also describes himself as a Mulsim, posted a news video that showed him suddenly coming up behind the guy, who was wearing a red shirt, grabbing him and throwing him down on the ground.

    The young man pulled himself to his feet and ran through a crowd of people who directed him to the police.

    The incident happened as a group of protesters attacked Trump supporters who were leaving the candidate's rally in San Jose Thursday night.

    A woman is knocked over as she walks towards a police line outside the Trump rally in California

    She lies on the ground after falling during the demonstration against the presumptive Republican U.S. presidential nominee

    The protest came just hours after Trump slammed a judge presiding over a case involving Trump University, saying he should be recused from making a decision in the legal matter because of his Mexican heritage.

    Trump said that US District Judge Gonzalo Curiel has 'an inherent conflict of interest' because of his plans to build a border wall between Mexico and the United States should he be elected president.

    Curiel was born in Indiana, and appointed to the bench by President Obama in 2011 after a lengthy career working as both a federal prosecutor and judge in the California state judicial system.

    San Jose Police Sgt Enrique Garcia told NBC News that several protesters were arrested during the fracas and one officer was assaulted.

    Police waited until about 90 minutes after the rally had ended to begin moving into the remaining crowd and try and disperse those who were showing no signs of going home.

    This immediately sparked clashes between demonstrators and police, and it is not clear if any of those anti-Trump supporters were injured during the scuffle.

    The rowdy and angry crowd of around 300 protesters had thinned significantly by that time, but those who remained on the scene managed to fill an entire city block right by the San Jose Convention Center.

    Some banged on the cars of Trump supporters as they left the rally and others chased after those on foot to frighten them and try and grab their hats.

    Police kept their distance from the crowd as things initially began to play out, but did step in to stop protesters from advancing any further once they neared the convention center.

    Anti-Trump protesters set about a supporter of the Republican candidate in a street outside the rally

    An altercation between the two rivals begins and the man in the white shirt ends up being punched in the face

    The man is sparked out by the punch and ends up lying face down on the floor as two officers come to help

    The police officers on motorbikes go to the aid of the punched man and help him on to his feet

    'Our police officers have done an extremely courageous and professional job so far,' San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo said after the eventful evening.

    'We're all still holding our breath to see the outcome of this dangerous and explosive situation.'

    The mayor, a Democrat and Hillary Clinton supporter, criticized Trump for coming to cities and igniting problems that local police departments had to deal with.

    Lan Hoang, one of the Trump supporters who had his hat stolen during the demonstration and set on fire, spoke about how upset he was on Thursday night.

    'It was unbelievable. I've never seen anything like that in America before,' Hoang told NBC Bay Area, adding that he saw 'a lot' of Trump supporters getting attacked outside the venue.

    Clinton campaign chair John Podesta also condoned the events of the evening, saying that 'violence against supporters of any candidate has no place in this election.'

    One of Trump's trademark hats was set alight on the ground by a group of angry protesters

    One of the angry mob stomps on a burning Trump hat surrounded by people carrying Mexican flags

    Inside the convention center, the presumptive GOP nominee spoke for about 50 minutes at the rally, sniping at Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and calling her speech on foreign policy earlier in the day 'pathetic' and 'sad to watch.'

    Protesters before the speech included Adam Rivas, a 22-year-old community college student who was born and raised in San Jose, who held a spray-painted sign that read 'Dump Trump.'

    Rivas said he was particularly disturbed by Trump's remarks about Mexicans.

    'For any one Mexican here he bashes, there are about 20 Mexicans out there who are hard-working and just doing their job,' he said.

    Heavily-armed police were forced to push back some angry members of the crowd as they waved placards

    Police officers were forced to form a line to contain the protesters outside the rally in San Jose, California

    A Trump protester holds his hands up in the air as he tells a police officer how he has been harassed by demonstrators

    Trump supporter Debbie Tracey, a US Navy veteran from San Jose, said she came to hear the presidential hopeful speak and left the rally with two hats, a T-shirt and a handful of signs that said 'Veterans for Trump'.

    Passing in front of a wall of protesters, many chanting in Spanish, she said she supported Trump's call for a wall along the US-Mexico border.

    'I'll go help build the wall because if you are going to come to this country, land of opportunity, you should be here legally,' she added.

    Trump seemingly ignored what was going on an applauded as he addressed the crowd

    Donald Trump waves to the crowd as he is surrounded by Secret Service agents after a rally, just before the violence outside the venue began

    A woman holds up a sign for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during the Trump rally

    More Trump rally clashes caught on camera: Anti-Donald supporter is caught on camera chasing a white Trump supporter and tackling him to the ground at San Jose rally

  7. #7
    Senior Member southBronx's Avatar
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    I know if the if the Bikes was in this town or city this would not happen they are very tough guy'sgirl's whey want our country back they stand with trump our nephew is a biker
    & the story that he tell what they do . it all good

  8. #8
    Moderator Beezer's Avatar
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    Southbronx...I would like to see a massive "Bikers on the Border" rally in each border State. Helping the ranchers and trolling the Border Patrol trails on their bikes and help stop the invasion of OUR Country...that would rock!!

  9. #9
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Ph Beezer, that is such a fabulous idea!! What a wonderful way to show the FORCE of the American People. Oh I hope the bikers hear about this and see what they could put together for such an event.
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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  10. #10
    Moderator Beezer's Avatar
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    Yes...get the word out...please help us Bikers and make it happen!!! Maybe then we will get our military on the border and turn them ALL right back around.

    "Operation Return to Sender"!!!

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