
Amanda Bowman, a strong supporter of secure borders and secure drivers' licenses will be debating two advocates who support sacrificing our security in order to open our borders to all who want to enter the United States. Not only will she be the only one speaking for our side against two extremists from the other side, the "moderator" of this event is also an open borders extremist.

Therefore, we are asking 911 family members to attend to offer moral support to Amanda, and (if the "moderator" permits) ask some pointed questions.

The debate is sponsored by and being held at the offices of an open borders lobbying group that is funded by the infamous billionaire and convicted insider trader, George Soros. Soros has spent many millions in pursuit of various schemes that would undermine US security, and depriving the US of the ability to screen those who wish to enter the US is one of his particular favorites.

Amanda is a highly skilled debater, so this is an excellent opportunity to learn the tactics the other side uses to attempt to support its notions, and the facts our side can use to defeat them. or call

IT's free, but you must call or use the link below to reserve a seat. To reserve a space call (202) 741-6268


It's the usual tactic of the open borders mob to provide transportation to its supporters to pack meetings, so your attendance is important.

Thursday, May 26, 2005
Program: 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Lunch will be served at 12:00.
Admission is free.

Center for American Progress
1333 H Street NW, 10th Floor
Washington, DC 20005

Nearest Metro: Blue/Orange: McPherson Square, Red: Metro Center

