Is a 3% Congressional Approval Rating For Congress Bad, Real Bad, Or Really Really Bad?

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Jun 21 2007 12:00AM


Americans give both President Bush and the Congress failing marks on their handling of immigration, according to a new UPI/Zogby poll on the topic

The Zogby Interactive poll of 8,300 adults nationwide finds just 3% of Americans viewing Congress’s handling of the immigration issue in favorable terms, while 9% say the same of the President-even as respondents in the survey rated it the second most important issue facing the country, after the war in Iraq.

Those are stunningly low numbers for Congress and the President. Why can’t they understand the American people won’t go for Amnesty, at least while the border is leaking like a sieve

This poll shows that Illegal Immigration is very unpopular for the rest of us outside of Washington. Speaking of that a town in Texas is proposing to build a Wall around Washington which doesn’t sound like such a bad idea

Ahlenius said by phone. “My response is: Why don’t we just build around Washington, D.C.? It can protect us from some bad characters, some bad legislation and bad ideas.â€