After Tancredo's exit, Huckabee touts own immigration plan
Read the Huckabee Lies Here

Davenport, Ia. ? Iowa Republican front-runner Mike Huckabee touted his conservative credentials regarding his record on crime and hopes to control immigration during a stop today in Davenport.

The stop is part of an eastern Iowa swing before Huckabee plans to hit Republican strongholds in the western portion of the state Saturday.

Huckabee emphasized his immigration plan today, comments that came fresh after Rep. Tom Tancredo, a Republican from Colorado, dropped out of the presidential race and then endorsed of Mitt Romney.

?I?m the only candidate that?s put forth a detailed plan on immigration,? Huckabee said, explaining that he opposes ?amnesty? and ?sanctuary cities? and wants ?real penalties? for businesses that knowingly hire immigrants.

Huckabee also sought today to further distinguish himself from his opponents, though he didn?t name any during his talk at Scott County Republican Party headquarters in Davenport.

He said voters need to decide whether they want a president who is ?looking forward or one who is looking side to side and behind to see who is slipping up on him.?

Huckabee has tried to distinguish himself from his chief rival in Iowa, Mitt Romney, by saying in earlier stops this week that his approach to requests for clemencies as governor reflected how when he is president, he would act in voters? best interests, rather than acting on the next political race.

Romney has criticized Huckabee for the number of clemencies Huckabee granted as governor.

?I do believe being president is about judgment,? Huckabee said in Davenport Friday. ?It?s about judgment that makes sure we?re looking at every issue, not how it will affect us politically, but how it will affect the future of you and your grandkids.?

Huckabee also pointed to his record on dealing with crime in his state.

?If someone tries to tell you I?m soft on crime, that would be real news to the 16 people whose executions I carried out,? he said.

?The fact is, that?s the toughest decision I ever made,? he added ?You know what you have to do when you make that decision ? you better be right.?

Huckabee also took on a lighter tone during the early Davenport event, telling stories of his days before he lost weight, joking that growing up, he took his father?s pleas to eat everything on his plate seriously.

?I ate everything on the plate ? I almost ate the plate,? he said.

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