Lone Protester- IDIOTS 11/12/07

Nearly 850,000 thousand people have been stopped from trying to cross our southern border this year which equals out to about 100 an hour. Now listen to what the current idiot in charge of Homeland Insecurity has to say in response. Michael Chertoff says that America is moving in the right direction, we are beginning to see a significant turn in the direction of migration. LOL. God help me. LOL. Personally, the significant turn that I see in illegal immigration is that all of them are hanging a right after they cross the border and are heading in the direction of Columbia, South Carolina.

Please, please, please El Presidente Bush, please fire that idiot and put my five year old daughter in charge of homeland security. She has many more qualifications for the position that the present one lacks. And the best qualification she has is that she knows exactly when a door is either open or closed. And she also knows how to tie her shoes. And most importantly she has been taught to not tell a lie. She can also tell when someone is trying to pull the wool over her eyes. Like our current esteemed Director of Homeland Security seems to have a habit of doing when it comes to anything that has to do with border security and illegal immigration.

I think that all of these idiots must spend a lot of their time together discussing new ways to lie to the American people. But some of their lies are most definitely getting old. Hey, I just got an idea, maybe they should go to Hollywood and hire some of those script writers that are on strike for more money to think up some new jokes to tell us, because the old ones are getting very monotonous and boring. And besides, we have heard them so many times that they have no meaning anymore. Hell, maybe we should just put the script writers in charge since most of our elected leaders live in fantasyland anyway.

Here is another one of the idiots (is there some place that breeds them?). He says do the right thing, come out clearly and forcefully for putting all the illegal immigrants on the path to citizenship. He also says that America is ready for reasoned leadership on this issue. What planet do these people come from? I am under the firm impression that they all come from the same place, some place other than where normal, common, everyday Americans come from. Maybe that’s it, maybe the real leaders have been kidnapped and replaced by clones from the planet Pluto, because it is as far out there as they are. Chertoff even looks and talks like an illegal alien from Pluto.

The American people have had all the reasoned leadership that we can absolutely stand from these idiots that never have the best interest of this country at heart. We are absolutely fed up with the pseudo-leadership from the likes of Bush, Pelosi, Reid, McCain, Graham and about a million others. What we need to do is build a spaceship big enough to hold every last one of them and blast them back to Planet Pluto as quick as we can. And then we should put a huge engine on that planet and shoot them to another galaxy far, far away so we never, ever have to worry about them ever again. Then let my five year old daughter square away all the problems these idiots have caused us.