John McCain Can BITE ME!
By Greg L | 20 June 2008 | National Politics | 36 Comments

This week we found out that Presidential candidate John McCain has been having secret, no-media campaign events with Hispanic leaders, and telling them an absolutely different story about his policies and convictions than he told Republican voters while campaigning for the Republican nomination for president. This utterly outrageous, lying, pandering, two-faced son of a bitch absolutely does not deserve to be our President. There is no way in hell this guy is ever going to get my vote.

Rosana Pulido is a conservative activist in Illinois who has been fighting for effective border controls and enforcement of our federal immigration laws since at least 2005. She received one of these exclusive invitations to an event in Chicago from the John McCain campaign, complete with a personal identification number that she would have to provide along with photo identification in order to ensure that it was she, and not some unauthorized imposter, who attended this June 18th event. Her report, which is confirmed in the local Spanish media, is beyond disturbing:

[quote]John McCain’s favorite words of the evening were “Comprehensive Immigration Reformâ€