Cresitello debates immigration advocacy groups over 287(g)

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MORRISTOWN — Mayor Donald Cresitello defended his proposal to have local police enforce federal immigration laws during a forum Saturday that included a panel of immigration lawyers and advocates.

Held at St. Margaret Church, the forum was sponsored by Wind of the Spirit, a local immigrant resource group, and other organizations. It focused on Morristown’s application to be included in a federal program called 287(g), which would deputize local police officers to enforce immigration laws.

Wind of the Spirit held two previous forums on the subject but this was the first time Cresitello was invited to present his position, said Stuart Sydenstricker, 53, a Wind of the Spirit board member.

Cresitello told the panel and about 75 people in the audience that he supports legal immigration and “strong border enforcement through 287(g).â€