C.B.P. News Release

Apprehensions Decrease in New Mexico Corridors Where Fencing Built

(Friday, November 21, 2008)

Columbus, N.M. – Apprehensions in 2008 decreased by approximately 67 percent along the New Mexico border, thanks in large part to fencing construction and the acquisition of other resources in southern Luna County.

Aside from the dramatic decrease in apprehensions in fiscal year 2008, the completion of the fence in Santa Teresa has also allowed for the re-deployment of some agents to other required locations.

Similarly, when 6.07 miles of pedestrian fencing was completed near the Columbus, N.M. port of entry, apprehensions in that corridor also dropped more than 60 percent from 2007 to 2008. Narcotics dropped by 100 percent during the same time period, according to recent data.

“It is clear that the implementation of infrastructure in targeted areas of New Mexico has had a tremendous impact on reducing the volume of apprehensions in those areas,â€