Criminal Alien Program making communities safe

January 22, 2009

One of Immigration Customs Enforcement's top priorities is to improve public safety.

Officials say they're accomplishing that by removing illegal border crossers who've committed crimes.

These are individuals who are in jail or prison.

At the Pima County Jail, via video an ICE agent asks question to a potential illegal border crosser.

The 57-year-old man was arrested early Thursday morning on narcotics possession.

The agent asks how many times he's been arrested as well as other questions that will determine his status.

ICE officials say it's a public safety issue.

Ed Preciado assistant field office director for the Detention and Removal operations says " We want to insure criminal aliens that incarcerated in local facilities , state , federal facilities are not released back into our communities to commit more crimes."

Daily, the Pima County Jail provides ICE officials with a roster of inmates. In 2008, 1800 inmates were screened 1300 were here illegally and 330 were deported after they completed their time in jail.

Corrections officer Brian Hunt oversees the program. He says, "We're able to identify 100 percent of the offenders that come into the country illegally thru this program. "

After the interview is completed, its determined the 57-year-old man is here in the United States legally. So now it depends on whether he's convicted of the drug offenses as to whether he'll be deported.

ICE officials say the Pima County Jail's video system saves an enormous amount of time and money.