National City, the illegal alien sanctuary city, often referred to as Mexican National City in San Diego County, has installed surveillance cameras thanks to DHS grant money totalling $73,000. Why? They say to prevent crimes. This from a city that last year, had then mayor Nick Inzunza openly declare itself a sanctuary for lawbreaking illegal aliens.

So taxpayers foot the bill to provide them with street cameras to fight crime, yet when it comes to stopping one type of lawbreaking, illegal immigration, they openly defy Federal law and offer protection from immigration authorities when arresting suspects with questionable or known illegal immigration status.

Why does the DHS give money to cities that refuse to enforce federal law? Oh wait, that's right, DHS Secretary Cherk-off says illegals are merely future housekeepers and landscapers, no possible way any criminals might get mixed in with that crowd, even though National City claims they need the cameras to battle problems in what city officials call "high crime" areas involving Latino gangs, drug dealers, auto thiefs, assaults, prostitutes, grafitti vandals, and worse.

From Sept., 2006:

National City mayor calls for 'sanctuary city' label
Immigration protections exist already, council says


NATIONAL CITY – While other cities in the county aggressively attempt to rid their communities of undocumented immigrants, local activists are planning to turn National City into a “sanctuary city.”

Such a classification means city funds will not be used to enforce federal immigration laws, which is already the case in National City.

Mayor Nick Inzunza declared in an interview on National Public Radio last week that he wants National City to be a sanctuary city, a designation being promoted through a grass-roots effort in other parts of California and the country.

However, the other City Council members are irritated that he never informed them of the idea.

“If he wants to declare it, he can do it as Nick Inzunza, but he can't declare it for the city,” said Councilman Ron Morrison. “We've already done so many things as far as the acceptance of the (matricula consular) ID cards. We've made sure that our police policy is such that we're not out there calling the Border Patrol on people.”