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  1. #11
    Senior Member Skip's Avatar
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    I agree ! wrote on February 14, 2007 7:04 PM:"I will also close any accounts at Bank of America, and do no more business with that illegal bank. Bush has made a disaster in Iraq. Now he is for open borders, and is creating a disaster for American Citizens. Just a few more reasons why Bush should be impeached before he can do any more damage."

    wrote on February 14, 2007 7:18 PM:"Yeah everybody, you need to start closing your accounts with B of A if you have one. They are nothing but sell outs. I know other banks are doing or will be doing this right along with B of A. SELL OUTS!"

    esteban wrote on February 14, 2007 7:48 PM:"OMG you guys are soooooooooo funny!!!!"

    wrote on February 14, 2007 8:18 PM:"As a Hispanic, I am disgusted by the chutzpah displayed by these mobs of delincuents. Illegal immigration is a crime in their countries and those governments actively encourage and enable their citizens to impose their presence upon our communities... Maybe theis time, when they march, we could have law enforcement round them up and repatriate them. Its the law, Stupid."

    Liz wrote on February 14, 2007 8:48 PM:""Day Without An Immigrant Day" - does Hallmark have a card for this? Silly illegal immigrant rights activists, they should have it on a Monday; make it a long weekend."

    Bren wrote on February 14, 2007 8:52 PM:"Carlos: You are a true American just like the rest of us!! You are right....Hopefully ICE will be there to give them a ride home South of the border!!"

    Time to come together wrote on February 14, 2007 8:56 PM:"All this fighting has to stop. American's and Legal immigrants must come together. Some where along the way open border activists have lead the Hispanic community to believe that American's mostly white are anti- Mexican. That has never been the case. The legal Hispanic's and all American's need to reach out to each other and stop all this hate for one another. I have been fighting as an anti-illegal alien activist for a year now and the race tension is the worst I have ever felt. Danny Perez one of the most out spoken Hispanic activist in Escondido and at once my worst enemy said " We all need to give back to our community." after a lot of thought, he is right. Even being on the complete opposite side of the issue, I still hear his words. Illegal immigration hurts everyone including legal Hispanics. We need to come together and bring peace back to our country. Some way."

    Bren wrote on February 14, 2007 9:02 PM:"I saw a few comments about people going to Home Depot. PLEASE do not do business with Home Depot!! Home Depot willingly lets the illegals gather in front of their stores. Home Depot has hired illegals to work directly in their stores. Home Depot also works very closely with the illegal invader support groups in a networking capacity---in other the illegal support groups the names of employers who are looking for illegal workers. Please also boycott Miller Brewing products---they gave financial support to the illegal support groups last year for their protests/marches. Please boycott ToysRUS and BabiesRUS---as they gave a financial reward to an illegal mother for having the first baby of the new year ($25,000). Please be sure to patronize Dunken Donuts and Appleby's---as they have made it their policy to be sure to hire LEGAL US citizens only!! "

    A day without ILLEGAL aliens... how about a lifetime without them. wrote on February 14, 2007 11:32 PM:"I'm all for legal immigrants, in fact, I married one. I am proud to have wed someone outside of my culture, race, and ethnic background, a beautiful latina from Brazil who complied with all U.S. laws to come to the United States. We both support all plans for a day without ILLEGAL aliens. We believe they should pack up, go home, and deprive American citizens and LEGAL immigrants of their presence, forever. Perhaps then our wages will return to a reasonable rate, our tax dollars won't be wasted on medical care and education of those who shouldn't even be here in the first place, and traffic on the interstate will be much easier to negotiate."

    Craig wrote on February 15, 2007 2:37 AM:"I have an idea. How about all the immigrants leave the United States for lets say, a year. That will teach us! Yeah, think of the horror! A year without immigrants! Then, after a year, I am sure we will be begging you all to come back. So you can all leave, and just wait for our call. Ok? Lets get that started. "

    Craig wrote on February 15, 2007 2:38 AM:"Cesear Chavez was a communist. He deserves no respect. None. "

    Bob wrote on February 15, 2007 4:51 AM:"These people have already broken our laws, by being here illegally! They seem very arrogant to me, marching in our streets, displaying their flag and making demands upon our government! Since most of them here are now, Mexicans, the Mexican government should be ashamed! They have rich resources and still cannot or will not take care of their own! Even their rich have said they will move out of Mexico if their taxes are raised to care for their own poor!!! So, why should we take care of the world's people, when their own won't??"

    kevin wrote on February 15, 2007 6:25 AM:"i have been boycotting hispanic restaurants since there first boycott dont thread on america go back to your country an protest thier."

    Todd wrote on February 15, 2007 6:29 AM:"If you do business with Bank of America ond of Wells Fargo, give them a call today and get rid of all your accounts with them. Refinance with banks that do not provide mortgages, checking accounts, and credit cards to LAWBREAKERS!!!! Rehabilitated AMERICAN felons do not get these "Special Programs" and hey they have paid their debts! This is not about hate but about a silent plan by the Government of Mexico to take over thin nation! Believe it! It is all but done folks! Be Americans and continue to stand up for Americas rights!!! Remeber Illegals are just that Lawbreakers!!!! "

    Zorro wrote on February 15, 2007 6:32 AM:"Americans would like to see EVERY day without ILLEGAL immigrants. They use May 1st because the people behind the radical element in the illegal alien movement are COMMUNISTS such as AnswerLA.. They are using the illegal alien movement to accomplish their goals of destroying our democracy. Wake up America!"

    Zorro wrote on February 15, 2007 6:35 AM:"From Wikipedia. This is the significance of the Latino boycott being on May 1st: "May Day" also refers to various socialist and labor movement celebrations conducted on May 1, unrelated to the traditional celebrations to commemorate the Haymarket Riot of 1886 and the international socialist movement generally."

    Zorro wrote on February 15, 2007 6:38 AM:"The race card was first drawn by the radical elements in the illegal alien movement. They want to create a race war and all along it has never been about race. There certainly is a great deal of dislike for the country of Mexico for their meddling in our politics and their exportation of millions of their poor people onto us for US to take care of and we are sick of it.. The Reconquistas label all pro-enforcement patriots as "Minutemen" as if that is a negative. Instead I suggest that we should be PROUD to be called Minutemen because the Minutemen in our country's history were the ones who set us on the path to freedom from the British. Guess what, we have another corrupt ruler in power but they aren't British."

    ciceroRes wrote on February 15, 2007 7:16 AM:"I concur with Ben. I ran the illegal mexican gauntlet one time trying to get into the Home Depot store and never did business with them again. I also called/emailed them and told them why. I go to Menards now for everything. Whay support illegal foreign criminals in OUR country. DON'T GIVE THEM MONEY AND THEY WILL HAVE TO LEAVE (unless YOU vote for the U.S. traitors who support them)."

    wrote on February 15, 2007 7:35 AM:"Folks just letting you know that posts from esteban at Feb 14th 7:48PM and estaban Feb 14th 3:53PM are NOT from me...the REAL esteban. Stop using my name!!!! Even though I partly agree with estaban."

    RW&B wrote on February 15, 2007 7:39 AM:"Since their protest marches last year, I have boycotted all the stores, fast food restaurants, Made in Mexico merchandise, etcetc, that closed or let their employees off to protest on May 1st of last year. I think I'm safe in saying we, the USA citizens of this great country, carry more clout than "them." "

    To Liz and Craig wrote on February 15, 2007 8:20 AM:"Liz I hope I am misunderstanding you but I am hoping you are looking for a card that says "Day without an "ILLEGAL" immigrant as most of us are from immigrants. Maybe you don't understand what an immigrant is. And Craig...have you ever read about Cesear Chavez? He was a giver and helped the farm workers. Where did you get the idea he was a communist? "

    Yvon wrote on February 15, 2007 8:27 AM:"Wow. NO TRAFFIC! YAYYYYYYY!!!"

    Scott wrote on February 15, 2007 8:29 AM:"Hey! How about a year without illegal immigrants. "

    wrote on February 15, 2007 10:14 AM:"Please, please, please march again! Don't forget your Mexican flags and your signs demanding your rights as illegal immigrants. I once had great respect for the Mexican community until last May. Now, when I see the Mexican flag it reminds me how our great country is becoming a third world nation. March on and continue to wake up the American citizen!"

    wrote on February 15, 2007 11:29 AM:"I hope they expand the 'day without' to a week or a month. The last one decreased traffic in LA by about 25%. Of course the operative word is ILLEGAL which is always omitted."

    Jim wrote on February 15, 2007 11:30 AM:" I wish every day could be a day without illegal aliens. "

    BOA SUCKS wrote on February 15, 2007 1:25 PM:"I just got back from Bank of America after closing my checking and savings accounts; a total of $39,563.34 and reopened new accounts at Washington Mutual. I encourage all BOA account holders to do the same; this, after being a customer since 1981. I can't believe they would reward ILLEGALS with credit cards. Those people are breaking the laws of this land."

    wrote on February 15, 2007 2:03 PM:"While they're "boycotting" can they clear out of the schools and hospital emergency rooms and waiting rooms? Do we taxpayers get a day off from paying for their non-health-care-covered medical and educational care? If they want to wave the Mexican flag -- the flag of the country that can't even sustain a life for them, then they can sure as hell GO HOME. We don't want the corruption and cronyism of Mexico HERE. TAKE IT HOME."

    wrote on February 15, 2007 2:53 PM:"dancing in happiness"

    Mrs Pilgrim wrote on February 15, 2007 3:57 PM:"Isn't it funny that the first word used by the pro-illegals crowd is "racist"? Um, pardon me, but I don't seem to recall anyone here writing: "Let's get rid of the Mexicans!" By claiming that people in favor of enforcing our immigration laws are "racist," what you're really saying is that it is a racial trait of Mexicans to break the law--to be criminals. Nobody here but you is saying that--so who's the racist again? Have fun defending yourselves, pro-illegals. You've just insulted every single Mexican in the world."

    RoundEmUp&SendEmHome wrote on February 15, 2007 4:19 PM:"Make no mistake. It's not the illegal Canadians, illegal Chinese or illegal Irish protesting. This is all about legalizing millions of Mexican nationals here illegally. It's a racial cause supported by La Raza. Companies not supporting illegals directly by hiring them can support them indirectly by financing La Raza. B of A is not the only big corporation that supports La Raza financially. So does Allstate, Coca Cola, Citigroup, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ford Motor, General Motors, MBNA Group, Pepsi, State Farm, UPS, Wal Mart and others. In fact, there are so many corporations on the illegal immigration bandwagon that it's getting difficult to avoid doing business with one."

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  2. #12
    Senior Member Skip's Avatar
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    jim wrote on February 15, 2007 6:29 PM:"remember the low budget movie" a day without a mexican?" Why doesn't someone produce a similar movie based on facts? Show how roads, schools, neighborhoods and such would really benefit from deporting all the illegals! Hell, I would pay to see such a movie!"

    wrote on February 15, 2007 8:01 PM:"If we got rid of the Illegal Aliens tomorrow, it may be inconvenient for a little while to replace all of the low skilled labor, but it could be done. There is no reason why the United States cannot adapt and become self sufficient again. We owe nothing to the millions of poor and uneducated people in the rest of the world. The United States is the most caring, compassionate and assistance giving country in the world, but there are limits."

    wrote on February 15, 2007 8:23 PM:"I hope this day also means they will not show up to our hospitals and demand everybody speak Spanish to them and then get top rate medical care for free. I hope they will forgo collecting on all the social services they use. Balancing the illegals' contributions to society against their mooching, the United State taxpayers will be saving a lot of money. I think it will turn out to be a wonderful day. Dear illegals, please don't cancel this great holiday, but just go all the way and give up all the freebies you collect from us."

    MattressG wrote on February 16, 2007 6:15 AM:"Last years "Day without a immigrant" showed me exactly how serious a problem we have with illegals. Leave it to the NY Slimes to post a article that is pro-illegal. I say go for it illegals, America is waking up to you and the threat you are to America."

    J Webster wrote on February 16, 2007 9:03 AM:"Why stop at "A day", let's wean ourselves of this perceived dependency. Try a week, then a month. After a year, we're in the clear. Go for it !"

    Well? wrote on February 16, 2007 1:50 PM:"Now that you have spent several days spewing out your hatred of the illegals do you feel better? Hope so, 'cause that is all the relief you are going to get. The border will never be closed and immigrants will continue to come here, legal or otherwise. Keep up your rantings if it makes you feel better, but when you have exhausted that form of protest, try doing something proactive and vote all the incumbants out of office in 2008."

    Skip wrote on February 17, 2007 7:00 AM:"Build the Wall! Erect the barriers! Control the borders. Then let's talk Immigration reform. Without effective physical barriers, all forms of Immigration reform will be useless. There is a never ending supply of poor impoverished and uneducated migrants just wanting a better life for their families, and they are crossing our border every day illegally by the thousands. American taxpayers then have to subsidize the infrastructure and social services to support these people. Public schools are not cheap, and these people have never paid one dime in state and federal taxes."

    To Well? wrote on February 17, 2007 7:33 AM:"In your rambling rhetoric, you left out the words, "racists, bigots, homophobes, discriminatory," to describe anyone speaking out against these lawbreakers. And yes, I do feel better after spewing out my hatred for illegals. Comprende? "

    Floyd wrote on February 17, 2007 12:29 PM:"Maybe the illegals are fine-tuning their protest skills so they can return to Mexico and be a positive force for change in their home country. Yeah, I don't believe it either, but it was worth a try. It would be much easier and more effective to seize Baja with military force, providing the benefits and freedoms of US culture -- isn't that what they really want? -- so they don't have to leave their home territory. "

    Gary in Murrieta wrote on February 17, 2007 12:47 PM:"I cut up my Bank of America credit card and sent it back to them today. It felt good. It is really tough to send an Anti-Illegal Alien message when greedy corporations try to take advantage of them. And if you don't think they are greedy, then why does the bank want to charge them 21% interest. There is a difference between wooing Hispanics, and courting Illegal Aliens."

    MW wrote on February 17, 2007 12:49 PM:"Isn't May Day traditionally a Communist or Socialist Holiday. We never really observed it here in the United States. Must be those foreignors. Does that sound xenophobic to you? LOL I miss the real Roberto."

    El Roberto wrote on February 17, 2007 6:32 PM:"Commrades, I'm home on holiday for the Chineses New Year. Their was a cable that feeds the internet somewhere near Malaysia damaged to to the quake (I think) that made it difficult to speek at all you phobies out here. As for BofA...I can get all the RMB's I need with no charge at their alliance bank "Construction Bank of China"...Capitalism and the free market economy at work. Maybe if some of you went to night night school you woulnd't feel so threatened that an illegal Mexican might steel you job."

    Well? wrote on February 18, 2007 7:40 AM:"Isn't May Day traditionally a Communist or Socialist Holiday." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ignorant fear-mongering at it's finest. No, May Day was not a traditional a Communist or Socialist Holiday, but thanks for your weak attempt at xenophobia."

    To Well? wrote on February 18, 2007 12:05 PM:"I am over 50 and May Day has never been celebrated here before. It's the foreignors. Call me xenphobic if you like, but I looked it up and it is primarily a Socialist and Communist Holiday. International Workers' Day (a name used interchangeably with May Day) is a celebration of the social and economic achievements of the international labor movement. May Day commonly sees organized street demonstrations by hundreds of thousands of working people and their labor unions throughout Europe and most of the rest of the world — though, as noted, not in either the United States or Canada. "

    May Day is not a Traditional American Event wrote on February 18, 2007 12:09 PM:"May Day has long been a focal point for demonstrations by various socialist, communist, and anarchist groups. In some circles, bonfires are lit in commemoration of the Haymarket Riot, usually right as the first day of May begins. Due to its status as a celebration of the efforts of workers and the socialist movement, May Day is an important official holiday in Communist countries such as the People's Republic of China, Cuba, and the former Soviet Union. May Day celebrations typically feature elaborate popular and military parades in these countries. In countries other than the United States and Canada, resident working classes fought hard to make May Day an official holiday, efforts which largely succeeded. For this reason, in most of the world today, May Day is marked by massive street rallies led by workers, their trade unions, anarchists and various socialist and communist parties."

    Adam wrote on February 18, 2007 12:12 PM:"RE : May Day traditionally a Communist or Socialist Holiday : ignorant fear-mongering >>>>> With advice like yours you would probably tell the protestors to carry those mexican Flags. So far the activists and their protests, are generating a lot of negative publicity for the Illegal Aliens, and Americans are running out of patience."

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    American Vet wrote on February 18, 2007 2:20 PM:"We are Americans! We are not Amexicans. There is no North American Union (at least not yet). I am totally fed up with foreigners, illegally coming into the United States, and then demanding rights. Have you not heard the saying "Familiarity Breeds Contempt"? These people think that because they have been here for awhile, and have great numbers that they can intimidate, threaten, and coerce Americans into getting what they want. I did not vote for this, nor will I ever vote for this. America wake-up!"

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