This is news, Turncotes and Spirit bank in cahoots, I knew propaganda was being published when I first read the article about how much 1804 was costing Oklahoma.

You have to scroll down on the link for the complete article.

Candid Emails Reveal Depths of 1804 Repeal Conspiracy; Regarding Dirty Harry’s Notes

"One client is adamant that they want the guest worker -visiting worker -program as an option to raise immediate revenue."

"We need to put our stuff in a bill with a friendly bill author."

"If you need me to write any materials for you to use on this issue, please let me know."

-Lobbyist Vickie Rankin

Click here to read entire emails.

"We can 'play nice' for a short while but we will soon have to decide if we wish to continue this tactic or just 'go-for-broke' and turn the Senate upside down. If Coffee does not change his attitude about this, that's exactly what will have to be done. I don't know what else we can use for leverage if all else fails. He is going to look really silly if he continues to fight with Tom."

"I think we have to just bring everyone in and say "folks, this is what's coming down the tracks and it won't be possible for you to just sit on the fence any longer."

-Sen "Dirty Harry" Coates

"Well, this is a lot of fun, sort of." - Lobbyist Otie Ann Fried

Click here to read entire emails


More insight for OKPNS readers today into the minds of the of the anti-1804 cabal, also known as "the gang who couldn’t shred straight."

Out latest offering from the tip line provides more insight into the precise strategy of the anti-1804 campaign, and demonstrates just how deceptive the effort has been. Taken as a whole, it is clear to see that the so-called 1804 education effort, advanced by the pompous and self-important Chesapeake employee Tom Price, was nothing more than a bluff aimed at HB 1804 author Randy Terrill. Instead, the documents show that delaying implementation of some aspects of HB 1804 is where the anti-1804 campaign had placed all their eggs, as demonstrated by our revelations about the March 30th Flashpoint program.

More examination reveals some of the leading players in the inept and deceptive repeal campaign, and hand-written notes level some petty and nasty comments about other players in the failing effort. Lobbyist Jamie Longacre, who represents Spirit Bank CEO Kell Kelly, a very public 1804 foe, is seen to emerge as a major architect of the delay tactics.

Further, the documents reveal the recent Oklahoma Banker’s Association study, presented as an independent gauge of the alleged harm to the Oklahoma economy, was rather a public relations stunt staged in coordination with the anti-1804 campaign.

The notations in the margins provide much comic relief. For instance, the state chamber of commerce is ripped by the writer, who types “if they had done their job last year we wouldn’t be in this fight. Enough saidâ€