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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Georgia Peach and others are right -- again as I said:

    The 14th amendment does NOT give children of illegals birthright citizenship: " Subject to the jurisdiction thereof" means LEGALLY here and living LEGALLY in the UNITED STATES. The 14th was NEVER intended to be a goal line for anchor baby touchdowns sorry. Deport all illegal aliens AND their children...

    Want a proof? To paraphrase what Georgia Peach mentioned, imagine if you will the Communist Chinese embassy in Washington or a Communist Chinese Consulate. Picture a dedicated, 100% indoctrinated Communist Chinese official or SPY and their mate. They give birth to a baby in a hospital on American soil. Is that baby be an American citizen? I think not. Those communists and that baby are NOT subjects of the United States, and neither are illegal aliens -- get it? I L L E G A L -- A L I E N... YOU DO NOT NEED A COURT TO TELL YOU THAT LOL.

    If communist chinese spies could make "anchor baby" touchdowns imagine the consequence... Just have thousands of chinese communists rotate in as "consular officials" and plop down anchor baby touchdowns. Then send them and mom and dad back to China and bring them up as loyal communist chinese dedicated to the destruction of these United States of America -- and have them return....imagine the possibilities.

    Think that far fetched? Illegal aliens as anchor babies have dual citizenship and but only ONE allegiance to La Raza!

    In 1995 Housing and Urban Development Secretary Henry Cisneros said: "As goes the Latino population will go the state of California, and as goes the state of California will go the United States of America. My friends, the stakes are big. This a fight worth making." La Raza looks forward to 2025 when California will be over 50% Latino - it will happen. This is being done through illegals and direct Mexican intervention in the United States. Hundreds of incidents occurred in the past 10 years where Mexican military and Federal Police invaded US territory and fired on US Border Patrol officers -- cover fire to protect invading illegal aliens. Edward Tuffly of the Arizona local of the National Border Patrol Council complained that Mexican military and Federal Police intrusions are reaching a crisis point beyond the ability of the Border Patrol. WorldNetDaily interviewd a prize winning Mexican author, Elena Ponyatouska, who said her country is recovering territory from the United States with a massive army of illegals -- and their anchor babies.

    In 1986 Ronald Reagan and Democrats gave 3 million illegal aliens a "path to citizenship." The Congress and President made a "bi-partisan" promise to "secure" the border and "crack down" on employers hiring illegal aliens. Sound familiar? January 1, 2001 saw George Bush inaugurated President with an unemployment rate of 4.1% and 6.9 MILLION illegal aliens. Today unemployment is sky high and we have between 12 to 28 MILLION illegal aliens.

    Mexicans call the seven southwest states Aztlan ceded to the US by Mexico as part of the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo. They plan to create a massive Mexican population in the US to achieve Mexican voting superiority, answerable only to Mexico. In 1995 Santa Barbara County, California adopted a high school text that says, "Latinos are now realizing that the power to control Aztlan may once again be in their hands." In July 1998, Mario Obledo, Chairman California Coalition of Hispanic Organizations, recipient 1998 Bill Clinton Presidential Medal of Freedom said, "We're going to take back all the political institutions in California. In five years the Hispanics are going to be the majority of this state...Anyone who doesn't like it should leave...They ought to go back to Europe." Mexican President Vincente Fox said "when we think of 2025 (remember that date? When California is more than 50% Mexican), there is not going to be a border between the United States and Mexico."

    In 1997 President Zedillo proclaimed “I have proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders.â€
    Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.

  2. #12
    Senior Member reptile09's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    El Cajon, Mexifornia
    My friend is a nurse who works in the prenatal clinic of a North Carolina health department. She said there are days where she never hears a word of English spoken by any of the patients.
    I live in San Diego and had back surgery last year and I barely heard a word of English spoken by the nurses or other hospital workers. But then again, I guess that's why we call it Mexifornia.
    [b][i][size=117]"Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die. Through love of having children, we are going to take over.â€

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