Gaston County Commissioners Pass Controversial Resolution Cracking-Down On Illegal Immigrants

POSTED: 10:51 pm EST November 9, 2006
UPDATED: 11:05 pm EST November 9, 2006

GASTON CO., N.C. -- Gaston County Commissioners passed a controversial new resolution that aims to crack down on illegal immigrants. The commission passed the resolution Thursday night by a vote of five to one.

The policy prevents illegal immigrants from receiving any services funded by the county. It would also amend minimum housing requirements and limit the number of people who can live in rental properties.

Commissioner John Torbett says the changes are necessary to protect taxpayers. "If someone comes in and takes those funds so my citizens of Gaston County don't have access to them that's almost like theft, to some extent."

But Commissioner Pearl Burris Floyd opposed the resolution, believing the policy could also affect legal immigrants. "We must be sensitive to the fact that every person who lives in our community and speaks another language doesn't doesn't necessarily equal an illegal resident."

The policy would also give police the power to check the immigration status of anyone they arrest or even pull-over. The resolution now goes to county staff for their recommendation.