Deport them now ... 21306.html

Dear editor:

To educate your readers and in response to the ranter regarding immigrants, I say yes let’s do deport all illegal immigrants out of our country.

This can be done and needs to be done immediately. Our founding fathers made provisions for boarder protection and until the late 20th century we were fairly secure as a nation. Since the mid 1980s, our government, liberals and other enemies of our nation have moved quickly to exploit every avenue possible to place into motion an American Union comprised of the United States, Mexico and Canada. This Union, if completed by 2020 as proposed, will be the death of our great nation.

If every illegal immigrant, no matter their nation of origin, were deported tomorrow, I have no doubt that the United States of America would survive. Not only would the United States survive, we would enjoy an immediate step up from the path we are on now on which is a path to Third World country status. Our national (and local Colquitt County) crime rate would immediately drop. All facets of our national, state and local law enforcement and judicial system would be immediately relived and their budgets would be in the black instead of the red.

Would we still be paying taxes and the cost for health care? Of course we would, but without illegal immigrants over- burdening the government (tax payer funded) programs we would see an immediate relief in cost vs. services.

These programs were established for the legal citizens of the United States of America not illegal immigrants with fake identifications and stolen social security numbers. With all the illegal immigrants immediately deported, our tax paying citizens, especially the legal elderly American citizens who paid taxes all their working lives, could have better and more immediate access to the programs they helped build.

With regards to our precious Social Security checks, your ranter is absolutely correct. There are approximately 77 million baby boomers set for retirement and there are not enough U.S. workers to refill the drain on Social Security.

But, what the ranter fails to realize is that the illegal immigrants that are working are doing so with either a false or stolen Social Security card number. These illegal immigrants are getting their paychecks with no consequences to them. If they are caught they are slapped on the wrist and they move on to another town, steal another Social Security number and continue the process. It is the person whose Social Security number has been stolen and used are the ones whose name is placed in the system.

Their benefits are denied. They are investigated and in many cases it takes years to resolve that it was an “illegalâ€