Donald Trump’s Diversity Council Member Quits On-Air After DACA Announcement

by Lisa de Moraes
September 5, 2017 9:53am

President Donald Trump, sensing TV coverage of this morning’s news ending DACA would be brutal, left it to his Attorney General Jeff Sessions to deliver the news.

Shortly after Sessions’ announcement, Javier Palomarez, president and CEO of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, announced on the air that he’s quitting President Trump’s Diversity Council because of this morning’s development.

Asked by Carol Costello on HLN if he would resign from the council, Palomarez shot back: “I have resigned. There is no letter – this is it. This is the resignation.”

Costello wanted to make sure she heard right: “Javier Palomarez, let me be clear: You are resigning on HLN right now?”

“I am resigning right now from that council,” he fumed. “This was the only thing we were focused on, and I never believed in the wall. I did not stand in the way of the wall; nobody was going to die if a wall got built. We are talking about people’s lives here, and chief among them are the young people who are brought here with no knowledge or any kind of decision of their own. They were brought here on average at the age of 6 or younger. They have worked hard to become good American citizens. We should be protecting these people, not expelling them from this country.”