This is a little old (Dec 7th) but I just stumbled across it and thought it noteworthy...
Don't you just love the part about "I did not want to tell my mom we’d have to pay for my education out of our own pocket"?

And then the old "suicide" saw.. Gawd, give me a break!

And a "Die-in" Rally? Have these people no shame? (rhetorical question).

And they call 'us' cynical...

At the end of this babble we have...
"If you are undocumented and someone who has thought about, or attempted suicide, or even if you know of someone who has, will you work with us to write and tell your story? Please contact...

Not... "let us help you' or 'contact our suicide hotline', just 'let us exploit you as our latest martyr wannabee

Tuesday, December 07, 2010
12:00 PM, Federal Plaza

From Reyna Wences, Immigrant Youth Justice League

“I graduated in June of 2009, a day after my graduation I attempted suicide because I was tired, because I did not want to tell my mom we’d have to pay for my education out of our own pocket. And when schools gave me scholarships I didn’t want to put her through the pain of telling me that we still couldn’t afford it. That’s when a funeral started to look less expensive than 4-years of education at the school of my choice. I’ve decided to come out about this because every day that passes by without addressing this is another day another student is probably thinking the same and I don’t want that anymore.

“I know that for the past months we’ve worked under an unpredictable legislative schedule and it has come down to this: a vote in the House and Senate as early as next week. I know that this is something that some of us have experienced, or thought about, and I can only imagine how many other undocumented people there are just like us, who need hope and inspiration. And others need to realize that this is what fighting for DREAM is about, fighting for our lives.â€