How many families are torn apart here daily by people who are thrown in jail. They broke the law. And I'm sure there's equal heartwrenching stories that go along with some of those crimes and the family has to deal with it. Plus I have to say there are horrific stories about our first immigrants and the sacrifices they made and the families it tore apart even when they did it LEGALLY. It's not been a free ride and I don't know how that myth got started. If you want your family protected by the law, then you have to respect it. You've started the process 4 yrs. ago so your ahead of the game. Just don't think breaking the law has no consequence and that we should forget why they are here. There's people who speed everyday when driving and not everyone gets caught. But you can't go screaming unfair when your luck runs out. This law has been ignored and not enforced for too long.....that's why it's such a mess. But without it you can see from other countries it's chaos and you wouldn't want to live there. In the long run...we have to fight for this for our country or it's not going to be a country worth being in.